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  1. J

    Please Help! Finley Still Hasn't Eaten And It's Been 14 Da

    Thanks guys! It aggravates me that the LFS owner didn't tell me about the aeration... he knew Finley was in a bowl..doggone it! We are moving this weekend so I will be off line soon for awhile. I want to set my tank up and try again as soon as I get settled in.... I think it would be sooo much...
  2. J

    Please Help! Finley Still Hasn't Eaten And It's Been 14 Da

    Thank you Guys! The sympathy is much appreciated...
  3. J

    Betta Not Eating

    You might try another type food. Maybe some bloodworms would peak his interest. Hope he eats soon!
  4. J

    Please Help! Finley Still Hasn't Eaten And It's Been 14 Da

    Finley didn't make it through the night... :no: The lfs sold me a product called "General Cure" for the velvet and as soon as I put it in his water he went to the bottom and that is where I found him this morning. I don't think he ever moved again! I am really upset. He seemed to be perking up...
  5. J

    Please Help! Finley Still Hasn't Eaten And It's Been 14 Da

    Guess what just reared it's ugly head??? VELVET! I spoke with a fish store owner today that is pretty knowledgable about Bettas. He seems to think the tap water PH is too high and causing him stress and actually about killed him. I am doing a slow change over to spring water tonight and...
  6. J

    How Long Can A Betta Go Without Coming Up For Air?

    I just saw him in a cross light and I think it may be velvet. He is a blue fish with lots of yellow on his fins so it is hard to see but he seems to be looking sort of dark yellow brown (?) ... I know ... that is hard to decipher... but it is mostly on his head and front part of his body and...
  7. J

    How Long Can A Betta Go Without Coming Up For Air?

    Yep! I have been sitting here reading and I wonder if he might have tuburculosis? He is just laying on the bottom and his whole body is moving when he breathes. His spine has a pretty bad curve. It has been that way about a week now. Also, any noise was causing him to fly around the outer edge...
  8. J

    How Long Can A Betta Go Without Coming Up For Air?

    I really think my Betta is dying. He hasn't been to the top for air for over an hour. He is just laying on the bottom.... how long can this go on before he dies? What can I do to help? ????
  9. J

    Please Help! Finley Still Hasn't Eaten And It's Been 14 Da

    I just got home after being out all day. Finley is doing those crazy laps around the bowl going 90 miles an hour and then will drop to the bottom of the bowl, roll half onto his side and gulp for air. He looks terrible. I wonder if he is going to be here in the morning... Is this normal...
  10. J

    Please Help! Finley Still Hasn't Eaten And It's Been 14 Da

    I have searched the web endlessly and find nothing that I think explains what is going on with him... I just hope someone here may have had a similar experience with one. This morning I offered him a tiny bit of cucumber and teeny bits of lettuce. He just swam right under them and gulped air...
  11. J

    Please Help! Finley Still Hasn't Eaten And It's Been 14 Da

    I am totally clueless unless it is constipation?????
  12. J

    Please Help! Finley Still Hasn't Eaten And It's Been 14 Da

    Hi All, I posted about Finley a week or so ago and he is still no better. On the 23 "Finley" stopped eating and hasn't touched anything since. He did have a couple of days there that he would lunge at the bloodworms I tried but never managed to get one in his mouth??? Now he pays no attention at...
  13. J

    Finley's Still With Me But Has A Bad Gill Problem...

    Maybe it is just stuck! I sure hope so... Maybe if he can start getting his food in his mouth he will be OK! I may discontinue the meds if it is just stuck???
  14. J

    Finley's Still With Me But Has A Bad Gill Problem...

    Wow! Those are some pretty boys! He doesn't seem to be bloated anymore I am just afraid he will starve if he doesn't eat soon.... I posted on another site the other day and got severly chastised for wiping the slime out of the bowl and over cleaning. I was told "with fish cleanliness is NOT next...
  15. J

    Finley's Still With Me But Has A Bad Gill Problem...

    Thanks so much for the well wishes! I am beginning to think I am just prolonging his suffering. He has at least become more social in the last 2 days. All he did for several was hide. He tried to eat again just now and it is just terrible to watch. He tries so hard and misses the food. I am...
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  17. J

    Finley's Still With Me But Has A Bad Gill Problem...

    I don't know what the thing is or why it protrudes.... When I look at him from the top he doesn't even look like a fish! That right gill is just all blown out on one side, Swimming toward you he doesn't look much like one either. There is definetly something wrong there.
  18. J

    Finley's Still With Me But Has A Bad Gill Problem...

    Yep! From what everybody says I have been keeping him too clean! I was doing a full change with a bowl wipe down every other day and NO more than 2 days between... He quit eating on the 23rd and began hanging at the water line, then went to the bottom, and now does both but mostly at the...
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  20. J

    Finley's Still With Me But Has A Bad Gill Problem...

    Finley is still kicking and is even trying to eat! The trouble is, he lunges for his food, grazes it, and doesn't get any in his mouth. He has tried and tried! I have given him tiny bits of bloodworms, lettuce, mini-pellets, and tiny bits of flakes but no luck. He hasn't eatin in 5 or 6 days...
  21. J

    Something Is Wrong With My Betta!

    Hello! Today doesn't look good for the little guy! He has gone from hanging at the top to sitting on the bottom. He isn't even flapping his little fins.... He paid no attention at all to the pea and no attention to the food I tried. He was swimming around a bit yesterday but so far today...
  22. J

    Something Is Wrong With My Betta!

    The poor baby is normally a voracious eater! Hopefully he will be hungry enough to eat the pea.... I'll post back if there is any change. Thanks for all your help!
  23. J

    Something Is Wrong With My Betta!

    He doesn't have that look about his scales from above at all! Just slightly fron the sides. I see no sign of any parasite, etc. He is usually a VERY social little fish but today is hiding and when I walked into the kitchen a while ago he made a wild dash around the bowl as fast as he could go...
  24. J

    Something Is Wrong With My Betta!

    O.K! One water change:o) These are not much better...I have an old Sony Mavica and "Finley" hates the flash! I did want to add that he seems to gulp for air, then blow a bubble. His breathing doesn't look right. I also see 2 tiny grayish spots on his back but they are onlt pin dot...
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  27. J

    Something Is Wrong With My Betta!

    Thanks! Will change his water and post better picture ASAP!
  28. J

    Something Is Wrong With My Betta!

    Hello, When I left home this morning my Betta seemed fine but when I came in late this evening he is obviously sick! He is not eating and is hanging at the water line with his fins clamped together. He doesn't move when you touch the glass but one time darted around the bowl quickly, then right...
  29. finley.jpg


  30. J

    Finley Has Stopped Eating...

    Hi! About a week ago my Betta refused the flakes he has been eating so I gave him some freeze dried bloodworms which he did eat, but not many. He has been on half flakes, half worms and was like a PIG! He wanted to eat constantly! He has all but quit eating now. When I put a few flakes in his...
  31. J

    Would Someone Please Tell Me If My Tank Has Cycled?

    Tammy! THANKS!!! The reading on the nitrite is "<0.3" which is the least/first/ reading on the card... OK to put him back in??
  32. J

    Betta With Resistant Tail Fungus...need Advice!

    CRAP! I was afraid of that!!! :-( goes! When I am not medicating him I change it daily or no less than every other day. I decided changing it and emptying the med from the day before might by the reason he wasn't getting any better. is being changed (with meds) every 5...
  33. J

    Betta With Resistant Tail Fungus...need Advice!

    Hi, I am newly "new" at this fish thingy I guess. We had tanks growing up, Mom loved them, but this is my first attempt on my own. I have one gorgeous Betta, Finley, that I am just crazy about. About a month after I got him I noticed tail pieces falling off and after research decided he had/has...
  34. J

    Would Someone Please Tell Me If My Tank Has Cycled?

    Thanks but... The reason for cycling the tank is this...changed to sand from gravel and effectively wiped the tank out in the process. I also didn't know at the time not to rinse the filter in tap water (duh...). Had to start the tank over like new! Did use the filter...did add some gravel in an...
  35. J

    Would Someone Please Tell Me If My Tank Has Cycled?

    Hi, After reading all the info I could find on fishless cycling I decided to try the "add ammonia once and wait" routine. On the 4th I added StressZyme and on the 5th I added 86 drops of ammonia to my 5 gallon tank. It must have been weak ammonia because that is what it took to raise the level...
  36. J

    Is My Banana Plant Dying?

    I have a banana plant that is really looking bad! It was Ok until I started a fishless cycle... Is it dying and can I do anything to help? I have just reworked this aquarium and added sand and now I am having to cycle again. I am wondering if the high dose of amonia is killing the plants?
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  38. J

    Need Help With Fishless Cycling....

    Hmmmmm! Just 1 betta and a coolie loach if I can find one! Have a sand subsrtate. I went ahead late last night and added more.
  39. J

    Need Help With Fishless Cycling....

    I have added some plain ammonia to the tank to start the cycle. It must be a weak ammonia... I started with 2 drops (LOL) and wound up at 30! The reading is a good strong 3.0. Is this enough or should I add more and get at least a 5.0 reading? Thanks!! :look:
  40. J

    Confused About Article On Fishless Cycling!

    5ml???? Wow! The article I read was talking in 4 or 5 drops amonia to a 10 gallon tank! I sure would like a close estimate.... I have a vial type test kit and it's a 3 step process that has to sit 20 minutes to get an amonia reading... I did use the same sand, filter pad, plants, etc...