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  1. V

    algea or sinking wafers?

    thanks, will check them out!
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    Ghost shrimp thinks he's a fish!

    I'll try to take some--doubt if it will come out--he's transparent. I love them, they have cute little personalities.
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    Ghost shrimp thinks he's a fish!

    My ghost shrimp - the sole survivor of 5 I had -- has grown larger than my platies and swims all over the tank now. When I'm getting ready to feed them, he comes up front and waits, then swims up to the top to get the food! It's so funny!
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    algea or sinking wafers?

    I have 3 albino cories who devour my Hikari sinking wafers when I put them in. Not sure how often to drop them in--I usually drop one in my tank on Friday and Monday. Should I feed more? I also have 2 ottos. They never seem to go near the sinking wafers. Do I need to buy specifically, algea...
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    Bloodworms cause parasites?

    Well, it's very informative, thanks. I've been on He's active, but not scratching or darting, just swimming happily.
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    Bloodworms cause parasites?

    I need some opinions on feeding bettas (or any fish I guess) dried bloodworms. My betta finally recovered from a fungus problem, and is making huge bubble nests, flaring, eating like a pig, in his 5 gallon heated (80 degrees) tank. I do regular weekly water changes. But his tail starting...
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    why are my ottos dying?

    Hmm, I'm confused--I put in Hikari sinking wafer 2x a week which my cories lofe, but the ottos don't even go near. I put zucchini and lettuce in when the algea gets lean in the tank, but it was pretty algea-laden when "Coco" died. thanks for the info.
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    why are my ottos dying?

    No signs of illness on any of my ottos. I have 3 live plants, decorations, a rock/cave, plenty of hiding places--I thought weekly water changes were a must. Am I mistaken????? :no:
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    why are my ottos dying?

    Hi, I have been trying to keep two ottos and they keep dying on me. One last over 2 months, seemed really content, and for the last two days he was hanging under my veggie clip, and then I found him laying on the bottom of the tank. he was so sweet. I've replaced my other ottos, and they don't...
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    Ghost shrimp turned pink?

    Thanks all. I know it's silly, but I had 5 ghosties and 3 turned chalky white and died pretty quickly. These last 2 were hardy and really fun to watch. They'd come to the front of the tank with the rest of the gang when it was time to eat! I love watching them swim up to the top to get a...
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    should I euthanize?

    Don't give up on Ferdie! I've been medicating my betta since October and was ready to euthanize. I am sooooooo glad I hung in there, using aq. salt, Jungle Fungus Eliminator and finally maracyn. Lots of partial water changes, upped the water temp and he is better now than he ever was. Keep...
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    Harvey's going mad

    I added Marycn to my betta's tank (liquid) and he swam right into it, the little dummy. But no reaction was seen from adding it, and I added it 3x per instructions. My betta did a lot of exploring and flaring when I added a castle w/plants to his tank. He loves it, and sleeps over it now, and...
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    Ghost shrimp turned pink?

    78 degrees
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    Ghost shrimp turned pink?

    One of my ghost shrimp's been hiding in a cave for 2 days--I thought he was molting. Tonight I found him dead, and when I pulled him out of the cave, I couldn't believe it--he looked like he'd been a cooked shrimp! Completely pink! Anyone have any knowledge about why he turned pink? I did water...
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    xtra otto food?

    wvleo & toadfish, Thanks! I got a cuke and nuked and rinsed per your post, and voila! within an hour they were glued to the cucumber like it was their momma! I feel much better now, knowing they're eating something. Thanks again!
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    xtra otto food?

    My 2 ottos have cleaned all the algea in my tank! I have a banana plant and a java fern and another tall plant (don't know the name). I drop sinking wafers in once a week but have no idea if they get any of it (I think the cories get it all). What else can I feed them so they don't starve...
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    Betta Vase

    Thanks bettamomma and wuvmybetta! I will do some internet checking on these b/w and check out Hikari, and start my little piggy betta on a one day a week fast.
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    Betta Vase

    Bettamomma: I think the topics have digressed, but I used to skip a day feeding my betta. Other than it being a "cleansing" for their digestive systems, are there other reasons to do that?
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    Betta Vase

    Hi Wuvmybetta (wuv that name!). I feed him dried b/w. I used to buy frozen but I just have the one betta and didn't like the idea of keeping them for such a long time, even if they are frozen. I read that you have to be really careful when buying frozen b/w, because there's a risk of...
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    Betta Vase

    Well, someone please enlighten me because I read on the net or one of these forums that you should only feed bloodworms once a week because they are very fattening. Before reading that, I used to feed my betta the frozen dried bloodworms every other day, and he became very swollen, lethargic...
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    Betta Vase

    Bettamomma, you are awesome. Reading your post made me want to cry. If I had money, and didn't have to work, I'd fill a room with tanks and rescue all those poor little fishies that no one wants, or look sick, and of course, all those magnificent bettas that sit in those little cups. It makes...
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    Great! Just when I thought he's doing good...

    Good luck and keep us posted!
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    Help w/betta decorations!

    thanks, I'm on my way................ :byebye:
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    Great! Just when I thought he's doing good...

    Koko, please do your new betta a favor and get him a mini heater. Like Bettamomma says, you will not believe the difference! I've had my adorable little guy for a year and when I put him into a 5 gallon tank with a heater, it was like he became a new fish! He's blowing massive bubble nests...
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    Help w/betta decorations!

    Thanks, any idea where I can find them?
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    Help w/betta decorations!

    Mandi, what are the mini flower pots made of? clay? do you treat them, and how?
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    Help w/betta decorations!

    Thanks everyone! I pulled the plastic plants off the castle and the silky ones are left, which he lays on top of. he likes to go through the archway in the castle, so I think I will keep the castle in the tank. He also has a silk palm tree in the tank. Can you put live plants in a heated, no...
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    Help w/betta decorations!

    Moved my year old betta into a 5 gallon tank. In addition to his little silk tree, I added a castle with fake plants and he loves to go through it and lay over it. HOWEVER, I NOTICED HIS BACK FIN IS TORN A LITTLE, and actually is getting white (he's been recovering from a long drawn out battle...
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    Do albino cories do this?

    I've noticed it 2x but with 2 different cories. I've had them for almost a week now, and they seem fine, very active, very cute.
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    Do albino cories do this?

    Oh, I love them --they are the cutest! I will keep my eye on them, it scares me everytime I see them do that. The water readings are all perfect and I vacuum and change H20 weekly, and only feed once a day.
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    Do albino cories do this?

    I just bought 3 albino cories last week. Every once in awhile I notice one or another will stop their usual busy scurrying around the tank, and lie so still that I think they're dead! Sometimes they're even laying on their side! Next thing I see, they're back up and back to business. Is this...
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    Controlling fish terrorizing?

    flashfire, think I'll try that one. Right now, I separate him from the other platy during feeding time by keeping a net in the middle of the tank, the minute I pull the net out, he goes after my little platy. :angry:
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    Yet another overstock question

    Yup, got all my fish-care education on this site! Weekly changes, vacs, water testing, etc. Thanks.
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    Yet another overstock question

    I have a 20 gallon w/3 live plants, 2 fake plants and 2 decorations. I now have acquired since November 5 neon tetras; 2 otto cinclus; 2 platies; 3 albino cories. All of these fish do not exceed 2-3". I had to have the cories, but I want to get 2 guppies, then I'm done. Is that ok?
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    Controlling fish terrorizing?

    What do you DO when you see fish stressing other fish? I watch my tank way too much and recently donated two danios to a small lfs that promised to take good care of them, because the danios stressed all my peaceful fish by constantly chasing them! Now, my red platy has taken over their role...
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    I signed, thanks for taking this on.
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    Cupped Bettas in the UK!

    I've seen worse than that, if you can imagine it! Hanging off the top ledge of the tanks were little plastic square containers in which a betta, alive or dead, would be contained. There wasn't any space for the poor things to move, it broke my heart. I wanted to bring them all home! :sad:
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    Betta and aluminum foil?

    thanks, right now I put a towel around the temporary hood. will get that tomorrow!
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    Betta and aluminum foil?

    I think I know the answer, but I need some experienced advice. I just moved my Betta from a 1 gal jar (shame on me, I know, I was a newbie not too long ago!) into a 5 gallon tank. Put a heater in it, on low to slowly acclimate him. HOwever the heat wouldn't rise since there was not top on the...
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    Gale: what kind of filter for your betta? Underground? SRC: My lfs said iodine was very bad for fish. I don't know what to do?????