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  1. C

    2 Questions

    kk tanks 60l dno watage sry
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    Will Tetra Neons Be Ok In My Tank

    rainbow sharks are pure evil
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    2 Questions

    :D ok, beano is hilarious 3-4 would be cool :P erm i think its because of too much light, its green and starting to get thick, so im trying to keep the light on 9 hours per day
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    Rainbow Shark :d

    haha :) whats a BGK mate ?
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    Cut from Can Anyone Identify These Corys

    WOW they look amazing !
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    2 Questions

    can i mix my albino with other types of cory ? how/should i clean the algae on my rocks ? its getting thick. btw thanks for all the help every one who has answered my previous questions
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    All Guppy/betta Fans

    there amazing :P
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    Guppy Fry

    lame :(
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    All Guppy/betta Fans

    Full Platinum
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    Guppy Fry

    :o the filter ! they were too big to be eaten by anything in my tank at the time
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    Guppy Fry

    the fish had like 50 fry, 9 survived and started to look like fish, then they were all gone overnight... i have no idea what happned
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    Albino Corys

    :D thx
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    Red Tailed/red Finned Shark

    aaaah ok thanks alot for advice
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    Albino Corys

    im going to get a couple more albino cory since they are more active, but with more than one mean theyre going to cause the others stress, as my 1 now buts anything thats in its way (not meaning to hurt the ohers) and will the corys give my fry certain death ?
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    Rainbow Shark :d

    oh ok thnx
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    Red Tailed/red Finned Shark

    kk :) thx alot, im quite new to tropical fish, an all i wna do is buy more, but i shouldnt ? and should i get rid of shark or platies btw my platy has a small slit in its tail from my male guppy. Why wont it stop harrasing the platy ?
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    Red Tailed/red Finned Shark

    my rainbow shark and gouramis are all still quite small
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    Guppy Fry

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    Guppy Fry

    thanks i had platy fry, and let them be, 9 got large for fry, then all went in the same night, does any 1 no wat could of happned ?
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    Rainbow Shark :d

    some 1 plz answer the 1st question
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    Another Id Please :)

    very nice
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    Red Tailed/red Finned Shark

    60 litres 1 albino cory 4 guppy 2 platy 1 rainbow shark 4 zebras 2 dwarf gourami ino i need more of some n stuff, im guna fix this ASAP
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    Red Tailed/red Finned Shark

    thanks star, will the rainbow shark grow to eat others in a community tank ?
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    Red Tailed/red Finned Shark

    any opinions ?
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    Rainbow Shark :d

    after a long 2 days of staying hidden in the shipwreck, he finally came out. however hes been stuck there for the last day with my female dwarf gourami, who can only swim for a few seconds without having to rest .. is she dying ? :'( also the shark can lie next to beano (albino cory) however...
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    Guppy Fry

    haha nice saltynay, and thx to both of u, and btw is lfs local fish shop ?
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    Guppy Fry

    2 of my guppies are pregnant, one becoming really fat, the other only a little larger than before. i tend to keep all of the fry alive, however my tanks not big enough to home them all, and i dont want them to be destroyed by beano (my albino corydoras.) can any 1 give me some advice on what...
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    Im New - About Guppies/rainbow Sharks

    oh, ok but do i have enough room, and will my shark liven up ?
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    Im New - About Guppies/rainbow Sharks

    Thank :D and my tank is 50-60 gal, so im guessing it should be ok, and does any 1 know if it will get more active ? i have 4 guppies 1 albino cory 2 platies 2 dwarf gouramies 1 rainbow shark 4 zebra danios is that too much for the shark to live with ?
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    Thinking 'bout Little Fishies..

    The rule for guppies is 3 females to one male, and they breed ALOT, so pick 3 different coloured females and a nice male guppy. Plus Albino corys are very active and if you have 3, they tend to shoal in triangles. but can be a bad idea to mix betta fish with guppies since they fin nip, plus can...
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    Im New - About Guppies/rainbow Sharks

    I baught 3 female guppies and one male along with one rainbow shark, the shark does nothing and hides in the ship wreck all day -.- and the guppies stay far away and bail to the other side of the tank when it pops its head around, so should I get rid of the shark ? by the way I have only had my...