Search results

  1. willowstwin

    Round Pelia (monosolenium Tenerum)

    is the picture the amount I will be getting for £6?
  2. willowstwin

    Snails - Good Or Bad

    remove the adults (aka the breeders) and squish/remove any and all babies you see. So long as you don't get any adults, it may take a while, but you'll get rid of them eventually. Other than that it's take everything that you can out of the tank, and have a good look. Turkey baste or squish any...
  3. willowstwin

    My Shrimp Tank

    I'm going to swap out the java on the wood for weeping moss or fissidens when I can get some. I may get another "tree" for the other side, because I wanted something to hide the filter, alhough I need to remember, this is only a mini 12 litre tank, so the footprint is tiny (20 x 25cm floor)...
  4. willowstwin

    Shrimp Always Die!

    do you have any resin/plastic ornaments in the tank? I bought a "resin" tree planted with something on top. I put it in the tank, and within hours the the shrimp were literally hurling themselves out of the tank. All dead apart from 9 cherries. Disposed of the evil planted tree and did a 100%...
  5. willowstwin

    My Shrimp Tank

    Hi guys My shrimp finally have a new scape!! Now I'm not so terrified about them dying (a nasty purchase from PatH poisoned my tank and wiped out the majority of my shrimp) I decided to go buy stuff for the tank. In there now is brown/black sand, a piece of mopani root (not presoaked as I'm...
  6. willowstwin

    Java Moss

    Wow! That pic was deceptive... that's a HUGE amount of moss!! :D Arrived this morning, is now in my tank being manicured by my shrimp :) Thanks ever so much :)
  7. willowstwin

    Fluval Ebi Nano Tank & Boyu T5 Unit ***sold***

    no can do :( sorry
  8. willowstwin

    Fluval Ebi Nano Tank & Boyu T5 Unit ***sold***

    I'm ringing around now trying to find a lift to manchester.
  9. willowstwin

    Please Help

    where are you based? Someone on here from your area may be able to donate some filter media
  10. willowstwin

    Java Moss

    I'll take it. pm me your paypal :)
  11. willowstwin

    Star Wars Tank

    omg I could cry this is so awesome! I'm going to do a similar one as a christmas gift for my nephew.. it's going to be a surprise and he's going to DIE when he sees it :D Keep us posted!!
  12. willowstwin

    Lego City Of Atlantis Tank Rescape

    While I was reading the first few bits I thought "GENIUS!! You've just solved my dilemma of a christmas present for my nephew!" so I was thinking of lego starwars, and there you go linking Faildeadlys (which I'm about to read :D) Thanks for the insiration! I love natural tanks, but I ADORE...
  13. willowstwin

    7 Hour Move + Tank Upgrade

    I've looked into this myself as I'm planning a move to Holland, and that will be a 12ish hour drive. The way I see it though, is that if online order companies can send fish out next day delivery, then it must be possible. From what I've read, you need to bag up the fish and use an oxygenating...
  14. willowstwin

    Java Fern + Java Moss + Floating Duckweed

    well 2 seperate threads is ridiculous! How is anyone supposed to keep track?!
  15. willowstwin

    Newbie - Stocking List

    from personal exerience I wouldn't house dwarf gouramis and guppies together. My male DG was VERY territorial, and I looked into the tank one day to see him actually tear one of my guppies tails from end to base. I thought it was the tetras fin nipping that had ruined the guppies tails, but...
  16. willowstwin

    When Going On Vacation?

    even if she forgets and only feeds them once while you're away, they'll be fine :) So no to feeder block, yes to fishy feeder friends :D
  17. willowstwin

    Java Fern + Java Moss + Floating Duckweed

    so much for forum rules of keeping discussion about it on here and only PMing once price etc had been settled. Is the moss still for sale?
  18. willowstwin

    Indian Almond Leaves

    so, I'm still confused after the second vid... Is it the tannins released that make the difference? not the actual leaves themselves? :unsure:
  19. willowstwin

    Upgrading Tank - Help

    I'm not familiar with the biorb filtration system, but, if you can put the filter media from the biorb into your new filter, then the fish will be fine as the filter will be cycled for them. BUT, before adding anymore fish, keep an eye on your water stats. Then add only a couple of new fish at...
  20. willowstwin

    Java Fern + Java Moss + Floating Duckweed

    Any pics of the moss?
  21. willowstwin

    Plastic Canvas

    WOO! £1.10 for a sheet that would cover the back wall of my shrimp tank, compared to a silly amount to make a couple of inch squares :D Thanks everyone :D
  22. willowstwin

    10 Gallon Stocking List

    oh yeah, I forgot about the platies... either no HG and put your platies in, or rehome your platies and get the HG if that's what you'd like.
  23. willowstwin

    Plastic Canvas

    hi guys so I was in my local Hobby Craft at the weekend and I picked up some plastic canvas with the thought of "sewing" some moss to it... However, I'm not 100% sure it's safe. I'll probably end up buying some stainless steel mesh from ebay, but plastic canvas is cheaper. Any thoughts? Has...
  24. willowstwin

    Feeding Fish Vegetables

    so far, I've only fed him peas, but I fed my trops peas, corgette/zuchini (spelling?) blanched lightly just to make it a tad softer. Only time I've ever fed lettuce was to act as a trap for some pest snails I had - put the lettuce leaf in, wait for them all to climb aboard, then lift them all out :D
  25. willowstwin

    Feeding Fish Vegetables

    It's pea day for my ryukin... can't wait to see him go mental for it. He gets all :hyper: ZOOM :hyper: ZOOM :hyper: haha
  26. willowstwin

    10 Gallon Stocking List

    my gourami was a bully. However, I've heard lots of good things. so maybe 6 pygmy corys, 6/7 CPD's and a honey or dwarf gourami would be fine
  27. willowstwin

    Feeding Fish Vegetables

    I give my fish and shrimp peas which they love. I get the peas, stick them in a cup, add boiling water for about 2 minutes, then take the "shell" off and drop the little halves in. The peas last seconds with my ryukin, and 1 - 2 hours max with my shrimp. My LFS puts corgette (zucchini?) in the...
  28. willowstwin

    Snails - Good Or Bad

    a pic would be good... I had a snail problem in my old tank. I just crushed any I saw on the glass and my guppies wolfed them down. Seems I got them all cos they never became a problem. But a friend of mine has loads of pest snails, its terrible, but she cant bring herself to kill them :(
  29. willowstwin

    It's A Sad Day Today

    His memory will live on! Especially in the random giggles I will be having for the forseeable future, as I wander around work going "ERMERGERD FLAYKS!!!" especially at feeding time (my feeding time, as well as the fish's). regardless of how long you've had a fish, unless you're a complete...
  30. willowstwin

    Round Pellia (Lomariopsis Lineata) **sold**

    if you get any more please PM me. I can't get this anywhere round here :(
  31. willowstwin

    10 Gallon Stocking List

    I've also been told in numerous places that a 10gallon tank for the CPD's (or fireworks rasbora as I've seen them named) is fine for a group of 6 as they are only small. However, if you want a micro species that would be compatible, then how about Rasboras brigittae? (I've put the latin name...
  32. willowstwin

    96 Litre Tank, Plus Extras (Full Set Up)

    now on EBAY
  33. willowstwin

    Round Pellia (Lomariopsis Lineata) **sold**

    Any left? I've been after this for my shrimp tank for ages!!
  34. willowstwin

    96 Litre Tank, Plus Extras (Full Set Up)

    Oh no my internet was out all weekend :( Are you still interested? **apparently is a swear word**
  35. willowstwin

    Roma 90 Journal

    so you're the one who beat me to eggos bargain? *shakes fist*
  36. willowstwin

    Who's Got/had/wants Black Sand?

    Ack! now I want black sand in the 90ltr I'm planning!! :( *looks lovingly at limbs and prepares to say goodbye* I've heard different things about different types of sand available, for example, the tahitian sand is apparently sharp and therefore not so good for corys... anyone had any problems...
  37. willowstwin

    Bitten By The Shrimp...

    I'm very confused on the gallon front... do we go imperial or us? As for shrimp, cherries are a good choice, they're easy to keep, easy to breed (and if you have them in a tank with fish, your numbers won't get too high :) ). They also come in a wonderful variety of colours - red, yellow...
  38. willowstwin

    Shrimp Tank Help

    I have some pieces of mopani root in a box from my old tropical tank, and I currently have one in with my ryukin, which I'm tempted to take out... but theyre too big for the shrimp tank :S I think I'm going to order some lava rock off ebay this weekend, along with some moss, and have a play...
  39. willowstwin

    Various Fish Tanks For Sale - Fluval, Hagen, Interpet

    Where abouts in Doncaster are you?
  40. willowstwin

    96 Litre Tank, Plus Extras (Full Set Up)

    Bumpedy bump