Search results

  1. N


    Aberdeen,Scotland UK
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    8" Clown Loach Laying On Its Side (someone Shot Him)

    Thats just part of the clown loach's charachter,they sometimes lay on thier sides to rest alarming the owners LOL I know i thought one of mine had died the first time it did it.
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    What Is Your Favourite Gourami

    My favourite from my current stock had to be my blue gouramis,they are constantly on the go and they both feed from my hand and always greet me excitedly when i go near the tank,my sunset honeys come a close 2nd.
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    Tank Or Fish Disasters.

    Well we were all new to the hobby once upon a time,and lets face it even the most experience of fish keepers can end up having a disater. What i would like to know is,what is your worst disaster,either tank wise or fish wise,maybe even both........... Mine have been Around 19 years ago i...
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    How Much Would You Pay For A 90 Gal Tank?

    Hi there,i'm glad you are happy with your new tank :D Why don't you use fablon to cover the stand,you can get fablon in most large diy stores in a huge range of colours and effects,infact i would search ebay, and although it would maybe be a wee bit more than painting the stand,it will be much...
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    Dead Fish In The Tanks At My Lfs....

    That SHOULD be the pure basics in ANY fish store,sadly we find out all too often that it's not. :angry: I personally would never purchase any fish from a tank that contains dead fish,i'm fully aware that fish can just die for no apparent reason but i personally am not willing to take the...
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    Piercings! Who's Got What?

    7 in my right ear 3 in my left ear 2 in my tongue navel
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    Gourami Gone Mental

    I moved her into the smaller tank this afternoon and she stayed at the bottom all afternoon,happy to say that she is now swimming around as she should be and looks much happier. :good: Can't wait till i get my bigger tank cycled
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    How Much For.....

    I paid £6 each for my 1.5 inch clown loaches a few weeks ago.
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    Guppy Help!

    I had exactly the same symptoms with my guppies and in the space of 2 weeks i lost over 40,but all other fish were fine,water stats were fine. I was told to put it down to poor quality fish due to inbreeding. I currently have around 10 guppy fry that were given birth to the night before my...
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    Gourami Gone Mental

    Well she is still alive and now has one of these fits atleast once a day after everyone i think thats her dead,but she gets up again,she spends all of her time on the bottom of the tank except at feeding times,she is eating normally,very confusing indeed.
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    Tank Volume

    :blush: I was looking at the calculator on the main page and it didn't go high enough,thanks for the quick reply,i now know where to look in future :good:
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    Tank Volume

    Could someone please tell me how many litres and gallons this tank will hold. tank is height 80cm, width 60cm and length 160cm It's not for me a friend of mine got this tank cheap and needs to know the capacity. Thanks in advance.
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    Scottish Fish Store Directory

    ABERDEEN NAME Holburn Tropicals VARIETY OF STOCK (out of 10) 3/10+ COMMENTS - Not enough variety QUALITY OF STOCK (out of 10) 3/10 + COMMENTS - Fish all look unhappy,dead or diseased fish in most tanks,the tanks themselves are disgusting,i was horrified to see 4 huge fish that could barely move...
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    Gourami Gone Mental

    Retarded is exctly what came to my mind :hyper: She is now sticking to one corner at the bottom of the tank constantly hitting her nose off the front of the tank,not violently just swaying,she goes to the top for air and then right back to the same spot,i bought her about 6 weeks ago.
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    Gourami Gone Mental

    I'm really concerned about my female golden gourami. Last sunday she was hiding at the back of the tank when she is usually always upfront,just after feeding time she went absolutely mental,circling like crazy the shot all over the tank at high speed even hitting the lid,then she nose dived and...
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    March Potm Nominations

    1. The link to the two nominations by other members 2. The picture that was nominated. If the same animal was nominated twice in two different pictures, please choose one. This does not apply to different animals from the same forum member. 3. The name/s of the animal/s...
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    Meet Bear

    Thankyou for all of your comments and of course for the nominations :D Bear is very much one of the children in this house and deffinately a mummies boy,he even tries to sit on my knee. I'm not sure if they still have the collie but i have not seen them going about for a long time,so i'm...
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    Meet Bear

    Bear has been part of our family for just over 2 years,he will be 6 years old in October. I spotted an ad in the local paper for 2 german shephards free to good home,and seeing as i had said i would have another one as soon as my youngest daughter was up on her feet i thought i would have a...
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    What Is Your Favourite Gourami

    out of all my gouramis my favourite are my blue/3 spot gouramis,they have a huge personality i can watch them for hours.
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    Featherfin Catfish? (synodontis Eupterus)

    I bought a feather fin catfish approximately 8 weeks ago,when we got him he was around 3 quarters of an inch long he is now just over 5 inches long. He is an absolutely brilliant and very entertaining character,he is house with blue,moonlight,golden and honey gouramis,flying foxes,clown...
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    Looking For Advice

    Thanks alot for the advice folks,i'm going to keep him because he is just a wonderful fish to look at and watch,the new tank will be here in april so space for him is not an issue. :good:
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    Looking For Advice

    First off sorry for posting this in here but i am still waiting for my vaildation to happen,i have emailed the address given so hopefully this will be done soon. I am not new to fish keeping(just away to set up a 3rd tank in April) but new to cat fish as such. About a month ago i bought a...
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    Just Saying Hello

    I can't seem to be able to post a new topic in any of the other areas of the forum,is there a reason for this?? All help appreciated T xx
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    Just Saying Hello

    Thanks for the welcomes folks :)
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    Just Saying Hello

    Hi Folks just thought i would introduce myself in here seeing as i'm a newbie. I'm Tracey and i'm from Aberdeen,i have recently got back into keeping tropical fish,i used to keep fish about 20 years ago and so much has changed since then. Anyways i found this site while looking up information...