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  1. pdludbrooke

    Speeding Up The Fishless Cycle ... Will It Work ?

    That must have been a shock your tank blowing out and all, did it literally like burst ?
  2. pdludbrooke

    Speeding Up The Fishless Cycle ... Will It Work ?

    I am going to give up on buying products and just stick to the fishless cycle, I wanted to find something that sorted the need to wait, not just for me, but I think now if I put the effort and patience in I will learn a great deal.
  3. pdludbrooke

    Speeding Up The Fishless Cycle ... Will It Work ?

    Thanks Tizer, I think I will go with what you said and go from scratch, I didn't touch my filter except remove them stupid ball things LFS sold me, do I need to clean it out as I am worried they may effect the actual bacteria I really want that take time ?
  4. pdludbrooke

    Speeding Up The Fishless Cycle ... Will It Work ?

    I am able to get some filter material off a friend, but he has cold water large gold fish, am I able to use this filter material to start my filter off ? I would like to keep tropical fish will his filter material do also his tank is very very green with algae ( 8 foot long massive thing.)
  5. pdludbrooke

    Speeding Up The Fishless Cycle ... Will It Work ?

    Too late, just emptied it..... I am so cross with myself, I will be able to explain to the guy at LFS exactly what that stuff is, no wonder I would have to keep treating the water, eg buying more........I had a feeling not to trust what he was selling, with patience comes bliss
  6. pdludbrooke

    Speeding Up The Fishless Cycle ... Will It Work ?

    So now I am totally confused, what have I put in my tank ??? Do I need to empty and start again ? Please Help!!
  7. pdludbrooke

    Speeding Up The Fishless Cycle ... Will It Work ?

    I read this after posting, (the evolution Aqua is crap!!!!) Autotrophic vs. Heterotrophic Bacteria Fritz Industries There's a lot of confusion among aquarists about nitrifying bacteria. This is due in large part to the recent emergence of a wide variety of bacterial products claiming to be...
  8. pdludbrooke

    Speeding Up The Fishless Cycle ... Will It Work ?

    I trust in all your experience about products claiming to have real live bacteria, I am not going to beleive a thing till I see it I am monitoring my ammonia and nitrites, I had already dosed my tank with 3 ppm according to my tank size (105 litres = 3.2 ml kleen off ammonia) and my reading was...
  9. pdludbrooke

    Speeding Up The Fishless Cycle ... Will It Work ?

    Hi I started my fishless cycle a few days ago, I went along to my local fish place to look at all the beautiful fish to plan on what to get, I got speaking to a member of staff and said how I was doing the fishless cycle using ammonia etc he said that it could all be done in a week, that's all...
  10. pdludbrooke

    Fishless Cycle Log For Tesco (Low Dust) Cat Litter

    Sorry for my late reply, Thanks for your help, you are correct, the seachem prime is causing the low ammonia readings, but I have read up that when the bacteria do build up in my filter they will still be able to use the ammonium like they do the ammonia, I'll just have to wait till the ammonia...
  11. pdludbrooke

    What To Do With A Fish You Dont Like ?!?!

    Do you have another tank ? If so move him there for a week on his own, then re-introduce him. This is not like a punishment, but gives the other fish a different experience without a bully, when you introduce him back there maybe a change. If you don't have another tank, maybe a good idea to get...
  12. pdludbrooke

    Fish Less Cycle (Advice Needed About The End 70% Or So Water Change)

    Thanks for your help! So my tap water is 37ppm Nitrate already so your saying if a reading I take reads 57ppm nitrate it's safe, but time for a 25% water change as it is 20ppm over the tap water nitrate 37ppm + 20ppm = 57ppm ? Sorry to come across as dumb. :fun:
  13. pdludbrooke

    Fishless Cycle Log For Tesco (Low Dust) Cat Litter

    I started my fishless cycle yesterday at about 5.00pm, I used 3ppm ammonia (household cleaner type) I just checked now and there is a reduction in the ammonia already, I'm using the nutrafin liquid ammonia test, it shows today at between 0.6 and 1.2 ppm ammonia, when should I top up the ammonia...
  14. pdludbrooke

    Our Tap Water Parameters (Will This Cause A Problem With Fishless Cycl

    I was just on the lines of thinking how nitrates would cause more algae.....??? Thanks for your help, also checked my water to day and showinging a reduction in the ammonia I put in from 3ppm to about 1.2ppm (I'm using the nutrafin ammonia testing kit (liquid)) when should I top the ammonia back...
  15. pdludbrooke

    Our Tap Water Parameters (Will This Cause A Problem With Fishless Cycl

    Would a uv sterilizer help or am I thinking down the wrong path (the way nitrate effects the fish ?)
  16. pdludbrooke

    Fish Less Cycle (Advice Needed About The End 70% Or So Water Change)

    Thanks!! And now I have just discovered we have a high amount of NitrAte in our tap water 37 ppm.........
  17. pdludbrooke

    Our Tap Water Parameters (Will This Cause A Problem With Fishless Cycl

    Our tap water is PH 7.3 and we have 37 mg per litre NitrAte (is this the same as 37 ppm ?) is thjis ok for my fishless cycle, I know I should have checked these first ?
  18. pdludbrooke

    Fish Less Cycle (Advice Needed About The End 70% Or So Water Change)

    Learning here so much, more since joining this forum than I have in the last 12 years!!
  19. pdludbrooke

    New To Tropical Fish Keeping: My Cat Litter Tank (Tesco Low Dust)

    Yes, I'm doing the add and wait, thanks for the info, now I guess is the waiting bit!! I have learned so much in the past week from deciding to set up this aquarium and from this forum.
  20. pdludbrooke

    Fish Less Cycle (Advice Needed About The End 70% Or So Water Change)

    I have just started my fish less cycle today and have been reading up on things, I use seachem prime to treat my water, what I am concerned about is, that when it comes to the end of my fishless cycle and I need to do the big water change, won't the seachem prime remove all the ammonia in my...
  21. pdludbrooke

    New To Tropical Fish Keeping: My Cat Litter Tank (Tesco Low Dust)

    Thanks Tizer! Right I have started my fishless cycle today! I've added 3.2 ml of ammonia (kleen off 10% ammonia)
  22. pdludbrooke

    New To Tropical Fish Keeping: My Cat Litter Tank (Tesco Low Dust)

    I've ordered the kleen off ammonia and everything else will come in due coarse, how do you dose the kleen off, thanks for taking the time to help
  23. pdludbrooke

    New To Tropical Fish Keeping: My Cat Litter Tank (Tesco Low Dust)

    Whoops I didn't know. I'll post some more on here when I have got everything I need (test kit, ammonia and two heaters)
  24. pdludbrooke

    New To Tropical Fish Keeping: My Cat Litter Tank (Tesco Low Dust)

    Right I got the Seachem prime 100mls £7.99, I've added half a cap straight in the water in the tank (I won't do this when there are fish in there)I would like to get the plants, when can I add these ?
  25. pdludbrooke

    New To Tropical Fish Keeping: My Cat Litter Tank (Tesco Low Dust)

    Oh and also I heard if you use a layer of John Innes No 2 underneath the cat litter, you would need to google this, I didn't do this as just experimenting, to be honest I couldn't see the cat litter thing working, but it looks great, I'm yet to see how it holds and supports plant life, it's all...
  26. pdludbrooke

    New To Tropical Fish Keeping: My Cat Litter Tank (Tesco Low Dust)

    Do you use liquid fertiliser in your water with the cat litter ? I have heard it holds nutrients it gets from the water column.
  27. pdludbrooke

    New To Tropical Fish Keeping: My Cat Litter Tank (Tesco Low Dust)

    Thank you very much, I will get these, I am really grateful for your support!
  28. pdludbrooke

    New To Tropical Fish Keeping: My Cat Litter Tank (Tesco Low Dust)

    Thank you very much for your help! I am very excited about all this. When can I add plants ? Thanks Tizer!
  29. pdludbrooke

    My New Seashell 60X18X24 Wdh

    Hi Tizer, I used your idea with the cat litter, I'm new to all this fish keeping business and want to have plants as well as fish, I heard on a few other forums this cat litter is very good (other than the washing of it) and over time gets better at holding plants in (3-4 weeks) as it gets...
  30. 24 hours later.jpg

    24 hours later.jpg

  31. pdludbrooke

    New To Tropical Fish Keeping: My Cat Litter Tank (Tesco Low Dust)

    I truly hope I managed to wash out all the additives.
  32. pdludbrooke

    New To Tropical Fish Keeping: My Cat Litter Tank (Tesco Low Dust)

    It is a pain to clean, but it does look nice and good things have been said that you mentioned, I am dreading my next water bill as my water is metered ??? Thanks, what would be the correct stuff to get ?
  33. pdludbrooke

    New To Tropical Fish Keeping: My Cat Litter Tank (Tesco Low Dust)

    A closer look I didn't treat the water, I was expecting to have to do several water changes, also is it true that after 24 hours the water is safe to use with fish ? Thanks for that, I'll defo get that sorted before getting any fish. I don't really know where to go from here (except to get a...
  34. 24 hours later 2.jpg

    24 hours later 2.jpg

  35. pdludbrooke

    New To Tropical Fish Keeping: My Cat Litter Tank (Tesco Low Dust)

    Here is the tank 24 hours after, the water has cleaned up reall nicely!
  36. 24 hours later.jpg

    24 hours later.jpg

  37. pdludbrooke

    New To Tropical Fish Keeping: My Cat Litter Tank (Tesco Low Dust)

    I'll need your advice with this, I have read a few bits and pieces about it
  38. pdludbrooke

    New To Tropical Fish Keeping: My Cat Litter Tank (Tesco Low Dust)

    Here is the tank with the cat litter substrate just put in and filled with water, it's a bit cloudy....