New To Tropical Fish Keeping: My Cat Litter Tank (Tesco Low Dust)

Any good dechlorinator should do the trick, but the stuff that is most commonly recommended around here and I use myself is Seachem Prime. It can be a little more expensive than other brands to buy but it's super concentrated and you really don't need to use much of it at all, so it works out cheaper for the amount of water it treats.
Right I got the Seachem prime 100mls £7.99, I've added half a cap straight in the water in the tank (I won't do this when there are fish in there)I would like to get the plants, when can I add these ?

You should get the plants in month or mores time once the filter is cycled. Putting plants in a tank which has ammonia will affect the cycle as they will use some of the ammonia, also, dont have your lights on, as it will encourage algae. No reason to be using Prime at the moment, use it once the cycle is done. Adding it now is an odd thing to do, have you read up on fishless cycling yet?
Any good dechlorinator should do the trick, but the stuff that is most commonly recommended around here and I use myself is Seachem Prime. It can be a little more expensive than other brands to buy but it's super concentrated and you really don't need to use much of it at all, so it works out cheaper for the amount of water it treats.
Right I got the Seachem prime 100mls £7.99, I've added half a cap straight in the water in the tank (I won't do this when there are fish in there)I would like to get the plants, when can I add these ?

You should get the plants in month or mores time once the filter is cycled. Putting plants in a tank which has ammonia will affect the cycle as they will use some of the ammonia, also, dont have your lights on, as it will encourage algae. No reason to be using Prime at the moment, use it once the cycle is done. Adding it now is an odd thing to do, have you read up on fishless cycling yet?
Whoops I didn't know. I'll post some more on here when I have got everything I need (test kit, ammonia and two heaters)
you need

seachem prime
api liquid freshwater master kit
a heater
kleen off household ammonia (from local hardware shops or online its about £1.87 if getting it local)

and a fishless cycle
I've ordered the kleen off ammonia and everything else will come in due coarse, how do you dose the kleen off, thanks for taking the time to help
calculator linked at top of forum, and a good read into fishless cycling ;)
your ammonia probably won't go down for about 5 days now ( im assuming your doing the add and wait method ?) and nitrites probably won't spike for maybe 14 days or more
Oh and the u2 filters are good. My only tip is that you may want to stick filter floss around the sides of the frame. When I used to have one, my fish used to squeeze behind it and get stuck. It did not always have a happy ending.

i can defiantly say that, never tried filter floss tho but my torpedos did get stuck a few times luckily i was there to save the day :) amazing filters can't fault them other than the gap around it
your ammonia probably won't go down for about 5 days now ( im assuming your doing the add and wait method ?) and nitrites probably won't spike for maybe 14 days or more
Yes, I'm doing the add and wait, thanks for the info, now I guess is the waiting bit!! I have learned so much in the past week from deciding to set up this aquarium and from this forum.

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