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  1. S

    Video Of Funky 77 Gal Bubble Tank see if this works... or this one maybe
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    Does A Uv Sterilizer Inhibit Startup Bacteria?

    Hi all. Got pressured to add the fish a little too soon, and the tank hadn't cycled. I was also recently dealing with an algae bloom and pulled a neon for what I believe to be TB :crazy: THEN, with the algae starting to come back under control, the nitrite spikes way high... probably better...
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    How Can One Post Video Up In Here?

    I am trying to get some video of my tank online now that I have it stacked, and I am a little bit in the dark. Stills, I can do. Video, not so much. Thanks in advance. The stills just dont do this tank justice.
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    Is It Kosher To Use Brass?

    Hi all, gotta question for the knowledgeable amongst we the unwashed. I am trying to get my tank plumbed out in the best order to simplify water and filter changes. Currently, I have a Magnum 350 handling the mechanical filtration with an eheim 1250 on the bio sump. For water changes, I want...
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    Stupid #*&%^$$@&$ Deep Tanks....

    it appears that pics 3 & 4 didnt make it up... here goes..
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    Stupid #*&%^$$@&$ Deep Tanks....

    From there, it is pretty much repeating the earlier steps, just with the epoxy applied to you fitting. In hindsight, I think I should have mixed up a test batch of the epoxy first. It was a unknown quantity, and if I have been more familiar with it's curing properties, I could have made a...
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    Stupid #*&%^$$@&$ Deep Tanks....

    Well, it would seem that not taking the 5 pound sledge to the tank was a "good idea" :P It would seem to be water tight, and ready to outfitted for fish! I figured I would write up a walkthrough just in case any one else managed to end up in a similar predicament. Here goes... Fitting...
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    Stupid #*&%^$$@&$ Deep Tanks....

    well, so far so good, at least as far as the stuff on the plate goes. I am going to let it stand for a day or so without touching it just to be on the safe side. I had the presence of mind to take a few shots along the way to document success or failure, so I will have a write up if it works...
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    Stupid #*&%^$$@&$ Deep Tanks....

    next up..... goop supermend. 15 minute two part as it would seem that none of the LFS's or hardware stores here carry milliput. Should know in about an hour.
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    Stupid #*&%^$$@&$ Deep Tanks....

    Alrighty..... Does anyone in Northern Virginia have an idea where a guy might get some milliput, outside of having to order it?
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    Stupid #*&%^$$@&$ Deep Tanks....

    and there lies the problem.... You wouldn't happen to know any one that wears maybe a 43-45 sleeve shirt willing to help a guy out, do you? It is 36 inches from the rim to the inner floor, and the opening at the top is a rectangle with a whopping 12 inches on the wide side. And just to add to...
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    Stupid #*&%^$$@&$ Deep Tanks....

    well pc-7 is out. the batch didnt harden paste loose clay. tank is moving closer to flaming pile status, as my patience wears thinner my the solvent. Did I mention that the bottom of the tank where I am try to repair is about 6 inches past my full arm extension? yeah, frustration is a...
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    Stupid #*&%^$$@&$ Deep Tanks....

    It was made in '87 or so, and it even had the box for the Magnum 350 (not the 350 pro mind you, just a 350) and given the amount of headaches this thing has been lately, I would be really close to doing just that. But I am hoping that it will all come together and be spectacular as a community...
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    Potted Plants In A Deep Tank

    Thanks guys, IF this tank survives the repair process, the pots will just have to sit on the bottom since I wont be able to reach the bottom anyway. Now, it's off to see how the epoxy is doing.
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    Stupid #*&%^$$@&$ Deep Tanks....

    No responses, so screw it, I am tired of waiting on this tank... I just used a thing of PC-7 I had here. If it doesnt work I am going to just set the f'er on fire and dance naked around ashes. I am so damn tired of this tank not working. Much like land wars in Asia, never get involved in...
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    Potted Plants In A Deep Tank

    Hi all, I apologize if this is covering old ground, but I havent been able to find anything of use. I have a tank that will be about 30+ inches deep, and it is giong to make it heck to get things planted, and with a couple of YoYo's they wont stay planted long. What I would like to do is get...
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    Stupid #*&%^$$@&$ Deep Tanks....

    I have an Acrylic 77g that I am "attempting" to bring back to life. It's a wierdo, a corner tank with a 24" half circle coming out the front. (I posted earlier in this forum about bio wheel versus bio balls.) It should be really cool when (IF!) I finish, and I will post pics of it. But at...
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    Need Help With An Id

    Here in the States, got them at Wally's... Sorry mate! Ian Fuller and the Catfish Study Group are calling this CW10 the "Gold Laser" now. The CW23 is now called the "Orange Stripe." (It used to be the red stripe.) To add to the confusion, last I looked, PlanetCatfish is still labeling the...
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    Need Help With An Id

    "I'm pretty sure they are Corydoras sp. (Cw010), also called orange stripe or Peru orange stripe" I do believe you nailed it... I must have missed it because I went throught the list myself and didn't see it. Thanks for the help guys!
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    Need Help With An Id

    Hey all, I was looking for little help getting an ID on these guys. The LFS was calling them "red neon cories" but I have found no references anywhere else to that name. The wife wants more, and as we all know, the more you know, the better it gets!! oops sorry, first pic was to show scale of...
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    How Can You Test Efficiency

    The reason that I said they were ahead of their time was the fact that they were adding oxygen to the biological filter, rather than leaving them to pull from the water. The bio wheels point out that they are far more efficient because they have the cyclical exposure to air, and they only came...