Potted Plants In A Deep Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jul 13, 2008
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No Va, US of A
Hi all, I apologize if this is covering old ground, but I havent been able to find anything of use. I have a tank that will be about 30+ inches deep, and it is giong to make it heck to get things planted, and with a couple of YoYo's they wont stay planted long. What I would like to do is get some clay pots and put the plants in them to keepthem organized and secure. What do I need to keep in mind if I want to take this approach?
They should be fine so long as they are new and haven't been contaminated with anything. Just give them a really good long soak before you use them just in case.

Only thing I can thing of that you will need to keep an eye on is dead spots forming in the substrate beneath them.

I've used terra cotta pots in my tanks with no troubles, just make sure they haven't been glazed.
Thanks guys, IF this tank survives the repair process, the pots will just have to sit on the bottom since I wont be able to reach the bottom anyway. Now, it's off to see how the epoxy is doing.

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