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  1. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Not yet. I've ordered some from ebay (the one that you recommended with the green lid) but it's not here yet. I think it should be here tomorrow though ^-^
  2. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    I've just got an orange lip conch! Yay! Wanted to get some other snails from my LFS but they only had turbos in and I was after ceriths. Glad I managed to get my conch though. I'm just acclimatising it at the moment so I'll put pictures up when it gets settled in.
  3. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    I just realised that the 2 aiptasia that I have are on one piece of rock that I can easily remove from the tank. What's the easiest way for me to kill them? I think I'm giving up on taking the natural root. Haha. Also, the water in my tank constantly has loads of bits floating around in it...
  4. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Lol @ AK! The shells they're in at the moment are pretty good. I feel like at the moment they wouldn't even notice if I put shells in there. They spend all their time hidden on the rocks. I was looking at shells on ebay but not sure what size to go for. I was thinking of maybe the 0.5mm - 0.8mm...
  5. natwood

    Harrys Juwel Rio 125 Marine Tank

    Your clown fish are so cute! Can't wait to get mine ^-^ you're doing great with your tank!
  6. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Aw wow! I just did it! Haha, it doesn't hurt or anything like I thought it would. They were both on my hand and arm. Lol. I've noticed one of my cleaner shrimp has a few random black dots on it.. I just looked this up and I think it's something to do with my SG being a bit low. It had dropped...
  7. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    I've taken a couple of pictures during feeding time, I'm feeding my shrimp a quarter of a cube of frozen brine shrimp every day. They don't seem to need much, plus they stop scavenging if I feed them more than that. I've discovered that my striped shrimp is actually a Lysmata Californica (aka...
  8. natwood

    Striped Shrimp

    Thanks for that. I'm going to ring my LFS and complain and then take it back. I wish I had a book that said it in it though so I could show them proof. I don't want them to keep selling's cruel!
  9. natwood

    Striped Shrimp

    I've been searching online to find out more about the Lysmata Californica, which is also known as the Red Rock Shrimp, and it says that their environment is demersal; marine. Their climate is tropical and they come from the Eastern Pacific. I've also read about them being from coral reefs. Does...
  10. natwood

    Striped Shrimp

    Ahh I just found on a website that mine is a fake peppermint shrimp which is called a Californica and has silver stripes with a red trim whereas true Peppermints have a thicker silverish stripe with red line in the centre. That's probably why it's not eating my aiptasia! Lol.
  11. natwood

    Striped Shrimp

    Ooh snazzy. Didn't think I'd managed to get one. Unfortunately it's not yet eaten my aiptasia but then it is fairly shy so maybe it will at some point!
  12. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Wow that's ace. Thought I'd have to wait ages for some reason. Out of you quarantine your fish before adding them to your tank? I can't decide whether I need to do it or not, plus I don't yet have a quarantine tank. My powerhead looks awesome now. Will take some pictures tomorrow...
  13. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Haha, oh good. How long do you think I need to wait now until I get my clownfish, or is my tank ready for them now? I'm not in any hurry though to be honest, I've spent enough so far! Lol.
  14. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Yeah it's the square bottom one. When I look through the top it's very pale and works out at 2.0 so then it says to look through the side if it's below 10. So when I do that it's quite a strong lilac which works out at 25 and it says divide it by 10 so I got 2.5.
  15. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    If my Salifert test kit says my Nitrates are 2.5..what does this mean in ppm? I don't understand the ppm thing. I'm going to do a water change this weekend to try and get it down again.
  16. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Today's results: pH: 8.2 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 2.5 Ammonia: 0 (cloudy white as always)
  17. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Haha, ok. Thanks for the heads up! That shrimp is mega sneaky. It's completely dissapeared now. My blood shrimp likes to hang upside down on the rock at the back, which is a shame.. I like looking at him! My Sun-Sun Powerhead came today (hurrah!), but my US to UK plug converter isn't here...
  18. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Haha yeah, I was confused though thinking that I'd had a sneaky extra one that had died. Yeah he's actually the most comical thing in my tank at the moment, creeping around and popping out from under different rocks. The rest of them just stay in the place they've chosen but he's sneaky ^-^ I'll...
  19. natwood

    Striped Shrimp

    Over night my shrimp molted! It's a darker red/pink now now. Does anybody recognise it now? Here's a pic...
  20. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    So I was just looking around at what's going on in my tank..and doing a head count. I was like..yep there's all 4 shrimp. Then I thought, hey, is that a dead shrimp?! But after looking closely it looks like one of them may have molted?! I didn't know they did that! From what I can looks...
  21. natwood

    Harrys Juwel Rio 125 Marine Tank

    lol! at least you actually managed to get a Peppermint shrimp! I went to get one and ended up coming back with a striped shrimp which I don't even know what it is! Haha. Ah well..hopefully it will eat my aptasia like I was told it should do ^-^
  22. natwood

    Striped Shrimp

    I don't think it's a peppermint. That's what I was after but they didn't have any in, but I was told that this should/might get rid of aptasia as they had done in the past. Yeah it's just the picture that makes it look big. It's fairly small in comparison to my other shrimp (cleaner shrimp and...
  23. natwood

    Striped Shrimp

    I've just got this shrimp tonight, which was described as a "Striped Shrimp" but I'm not sure what it actually is, like what it's scientific name is. I was told it should eat aptasia and just wanted to read about it, but can't find it online. Does anybody recognise it?
  24. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Hmm how mysterious. No I didn't ask, but I'm not planning on getting coral in the near future.
  25. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    I'm pretty sure it's not a camel shrimp. Here's a pic...
  26. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Lol ok. There were no peppermint shrimp left in the end (grr) so I've ended up getting a Striped Shrimp as my LFS said that they had an aiptasia problem before and the Striped Shrimp cleared it up. Hopefully mine will do the same but I'm not too convinced. Just acclimatising them all now ^-^...
  27. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Tonight I'm going to my LFS to get some more of my CUC. 1 x Peppermint Shrimp (hopefully a genuine one) 1 x Blood Shrimp 1 x Cleaner Shrimp I'm also going to have a look at the snails to see if there's anything else. I didn't see many other types the other day so I'll have a look. I think I've...
  28. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    How often should I be putting food in at the moment? All my CUC at the moment are picking away at the rocks and the tiny bits of algae that's in here. I'm assuming there won't be enough to feed them at the moment though? Eltz: Yeah what AK said. I use imageshack which you don't even need an...
  29. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    I know, I just don't want blood on MY hands. haha! I'll let nature do it's work ^-^
  30. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Noooo I don't want to kill it. I'll get myself a peppermint shrimp I think.
  31. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Arg! Will my hermit crabs eat it or should I get a peppermint shrimp?
  32. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Hi karigupi, thanks! Glad it helped you ^-^ yeah I think it was definitely worth the effort with the black background, it really shows off the colours of the tank and will be much less maintenance than a stuck on background. Here's some pictures of my little CUC. I've got the lights off until...
  33. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    I went to my LFS today and they said that my water is fine after all, so I ended up getting: 1 x Cleaner Shrimp 2 x Reg Leg Hermit 3 x Turbo Snail I've been acclimatising them for nearly 2 hours now. Exciting times ^-^
  34. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Aw that's a shame. I was most excited about them :( When can I get them then?
  35. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    So I did my 50% water change and here are the results a few hours later: SG: 1.022 pH: 8.2 Ammonia: <0.25 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 0.5 Everything is still the same! Haha. Tomorrow I'm going to start off my CUC by getting: 2 x Cleaner Shrimp 2 x Scarlet Hermit 1 x Blue Leg Hermit 2 x Turbo Snail
  36. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    I've got a feeling that my tank is done cycling. I haven't had any peaks (that I noticed as I couldn't test my levels for the first week of having the live rock) but maybe that's because the live rock I got was really good quality? My water has remained the same since Tuesday anyway, it's got...
  37. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    I think both of those are 0. The Salifert test kit for Ammonia that I have doesn't have a 0 on it, just a <0.25 The water is cloudy white/clear when I test for Ammonia anyway.
  38. natwood

    Ro Unit - Attach It When I Need It?

    Oh wow, I want one that screws onto a tap that would be really handy. I wonder if I could get one of those in the UK.
  39. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Today's results: SG: 1.022 Ammonia: <0.25 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 0.5 Is it about time that I did the 50% water change? I could try and get my salt then too to get the salinity up?