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Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
I went poking around aquabid. Then I checked a web site, Better Bettas. I ordered the CrackerJack Surprise. (I also ordered a covey of dwarf cories.) So Monday night or Tuesday I will get a surprise. :D I need to set up some tanks, etc. :p
Better Bettas is an aweasome place...I also got my corys from there...and I got these two from them as well... :) I have overall been very pleased...and I have always wondered about the surprise package! Sounds exciting dont forget to post pictures from there!

the two i got from them...
I've always wondered about the crackerjack surprise! You'll have to keep us updated on what you got!
I'm looking forward to the surprise. I can't imagine that I will be disappointed, and I might really be overwhelmed. (I really like the green ones with lots of extra tails. :hey: But I've seen some wowsers in every color.)

I had forgotten in my excitement to order the coreys, so I emailed the Bryan person, and he added them to the order for me, so I didn't have to pay double shipping. I ordered 25 dwarf coreys, but they're small!!? :*) I figure I can add a covey to every tank.

I will surely post the results. I have finally found how to get reasonable pics.

So you got a sibling pair, Lady? How has that worked for you?

I followed the link from Tokis-Pheonix to aquabid and just spent the day poking around. :shifty:

The two I got from the lfs yesterday are flaring gills at each other as we speak. :lol:
actually these two werent in a sibling pair for some reason...?? because i know they usually send only in sibling pairs???? haha but none the less i plan on getting more from them....or some on aquabid hehe...I have been looking for a little pk girl for Isis and a gold ct for glory haha so maybe theyll have a few?? haha I know they just got a new shipment...maybe ill browse haha VERY DANGEROUS ahhaha :) cant wait for your surprise
Are they the same kind? Some are siblings and some aren't I noticed. I saw one marked down on sale that was interesting--from 45 to 20 or something. :p :hey:

But don't listen to me. ;)
No they arent the same....hes a Plakat and shes a Longtail Crown tail... :) thatd be nice if they were the same then maybe i could have found a pair similar and got them...
Yes. Better Bettas and BlueBettaUSA. Hmm? Guess you'd better go through the BetterBetta site in Canada. :D

Sorry don't know how to set up the link yet. :*)

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