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Fish Crazy
Apr 20, 2003
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went to my lfs to get some fish(again) i was going to bye 2 gouramis, i came home with 9 and a betta. they were 10.00$ each but she let me have them all for 40.00$ she wanted to empty her tank and made me a deal. :thumbs:


  • Picture_061c.JPG
    45.5 KB · Views: 23
Pics are a bit dark, I can't see them :( Good deal you got though.
the bags contain 1pearl gouramie, 3honey gouramies, 3blue gouramis, 2gold gouramies and 1 red&pink betta.
thats 1 good deal you got there :cool:

but i dont think keeping betta's and gourami's together is such a good idea though but see what the others think first
the betta was in the tank with the gouramies when i bought them. i'll be keeping an eye out for bits as i had to remove my other betta last year he was bitting my gouramies. i'll be taking more pics as soon as they settle down a bit. they are all hiding at the moment.
Nice fish :thumbs: .. but never mind the betta.. what about all the bad tempered gouramis? In my 95Uk gallon tank I have a selection of them.. and they are always falling out. The dwarf honey being a big culprit. The big ones don't bother the dwarf ones..its just general aggression to their own breed I find. But they are one of my fav fish :wub: .. Good look and keep us posted how they settle :kana:
well i've been trying for a few hrs to get good pics but i ended up with just s few good ones.


  • Picture_136c.JPG
    47 KB · Views: 23
What is that ¿ ..... :blink:


edit - darn pic is too small and im heading out...its picture number three and the huge fish in the bottom left...I've seen them before but never knew what they were.
that's my red finned cigar shark. i call him my monster. the guy at the store sold it as a rainbow shark and said it wouldn't grow any bigger than a few inches. i've had it in a 33 gallon and he out gre it he now lives in a 55 gallon. i'm still looking for a store that has room for him and a good price.

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