Mac's new Amazonian style Aquarium


New Member
Jul 19, 2003
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tell me what you guys think. i have 5 blackskirted tetras and 1 parrot cichlid. i know the parrot isn't amazonian, hell, it isn't anything really. cardinal tetras, angels, and driftwood to come soon. any suggestions are welcome too. peace.

-mac daddy


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one more pic for that @$$. peace.


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I'm with Mogo needs a background... something along the blue shimmery kind I think. Will be a nice tank when you get done & your plants spread some. 8)
If you don't want anything big, Albino Cory doesn't grow that big. Helps to eat all the food at the bottom. And they are cute.

Also a background would be good.
Are theyt all fake plants, or will you be getting hood/light/real plants etc etc...

first off, thanks all for checkin out my tank and givin me some suggestions to make it look its best!

lipreader- you suggested a small bottom feeder. what about snails?

jumpman- the plants are all real. i've got an old-school style tank (notice no braces, the glass is a lot thicker too) so buying a regular hood isn't an option... i COULD buy a really expensive hood like the kind you see on a lot of saltwater aquariums... i'm working on building a custom top and lights for it though, i just keep my blinds up in my room during the day so the plants get plenty of sunlight.

wetwetwet- the filter is a Penguin BIO-Wheel 330 power filter. i paid $48.95 without tax for it so lemme know if i got ripped off! ;)

crusty barnacle- the rest of the decor in my room is black... black entertainment center, black bookshelves, black futon... i chose the light grey to kind of match my silver flat-screen tv and to 'lighten up' the room a bit.

dolphin- i've got a huge 51" piece of drifwood which i've cut into two different sizes.. i believe the wood is walnut from what i can tell. i've been letting it soak for days but who knows how long it will take because it's really hard wood, whatever it is... would bogwood stain the water any or look different from any other peice of driftwood? also... where could i find 'rooty' peices of driftwood?

from your suggestions and my personal opinion, a background is definitely in order! arite, i think that's it for now, peace. 8)

-mac daddy
whutup punks-

my aquarium has undergone a few changes since being set up. first of all, i waited too long to get a ******* light for my tank and i eventually lost all of my giant hairgrass. :( ****! well, i got a new pair of lil discus. they're about 3.5", hope they grow like mofo's. anybody know the strain? i still gotta find some driftwood, more plants, etc. but here's what the tank looks like at the moment. the background is custom cut from an old Beastie Boys poster ca. 1993. Sabotage style, for all you Beastie fans. 8) arite, tell me what you guys think. seriously. peace.

- mac from the midwest


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one more of the whole tank.


  • macstank.jpg
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I love the background!!!!! It is hilarious!!!!!
Keep up the good work man!

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