Orange spotted bettas


Mar 24, 2005
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how many people have this kinda betta..mine is Named Flame i got him from a good petco in the US ..he gets finrot all the time but i am not allowed to medicate him since salt killed my one fish so yeah anyway..i just love this color


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Who won't allow you to medicate him?
If he's sick he should be medicated.

We can help you figure out how much salt to add so when you do add it, it will help him and not hurt him.

tell us more about his tank size, etc...
I have an orange spot betta too! I'll have to show you his picture one day...
my mom says it kills ..not to mention aqauriam salt doesnt work i used it right and it killed my Gussy:-(..hes in a one gallon anyway no meds treat that small...we dont have alot of space ..this thread wasnt even ment for the finrot its for the colors :no:
50 said:
my mom says it kills ..not to mention aqauriam salt doesnt work i used it right and it killed my Gussy:-(..hes in a one gallon anyway no meds treat that small...we dont have alot of space ..this thread wasnt even ment for the finrot its for the colors :no:
Your mom just know how to cook. LOL That is how my mom teach me how to kill a fish with salt for supper. LOL You should listen to people in here.: :lol: :lol: :lol:
she is smart i cant say expert...belive me no meds here are for fin rot in a one Gal...sheesh and i want a Gourami?
Aquarium Salt, Aquarisol, Melafix, Bettafix, Tetracylene, Maracyn1 & 2 are for fin rot.

Any of those can be used in a 1 gallon, whether tablet form or liquid.



The whole syringe...1 tsp (5ml)..........treats 10 gallons
3/4 the syringe.......3/4tsp (3.75ml)....treats 7.5 gallons
1/2 the syringe.......1/2 tsp (2.5ml).....treats 5 gallons
1/4 the syringe.......1/4 tsp (1.25ml)...treats 2.5 gallons
1/5 of 1 ML ............(.20ml)..................treats 2 cups

So to treat 1 gallon you need 3/5 of 1 ML.

3/5 of the 1ML section = 3rd tick (.60ml) = treats 1 gallon

Aquarium Salt should be dosed as 1 Tablespoon to 1 gallon of water.
I just bought a guy like that a couple of days ago... and his spawn brother who has a couple of orange spots and a blue overlay on his body ;)
They're very unusual looking
i love flame ..he isnt very photogenic though :crazy: ..he doesnt stay still..of course non of mine do..
salt is fine for bettas, just use the right kind and ammount, if u used aqurium slat last time u either added too much or thats not what did ur fish in. yes he is a very pretty fish, yellow is one of my fav. bettas colors :thumbs:

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