Pics of my 1st spawn! Updated today.

That's the lowest I could get mine to work on at all and the babies were fine for a few weeks. You don't want to have it going too fast or you could tire the babies out while they fight the current :fun:

Good luck with your spawn :)
My fry are about 3 weeks old today. Here's a pic of one of them after feeding them some MW.

Since last week, I've had 2 die on me, so I have approx. 25-30 fry left, which seem to be doing fine. :D


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I noticed one of my fry (one of my smallest ones), can't seem to stay "down". He/she (not sure yet, as they are only 3 weeks old) stays just under the surface for the most part, but takes a couple "attempted sprints" to go down, but just floats back up.

I feel bad for the fry, as the microworms are on the bottom and he/she cannot get to them. I believe he/she is just eating whatever infusoria/bugs in the ricca I have floating in there, as I notice he/she hangs around the floating plant alot.

The fry is quite small, but I used a magnifying glass to get a closer look, and it doesn't seem to be swimming on it's side or anything (was checking to see if it was swim bladder disorder or something)...then again, it's hard to see.

Any ideas?
A pic of one of my betta babies. I have about 8 of them that are "bigger" and about 3-4 really small ones. Like really small. I'm kinda worried about the smaller ones.

The bigger ones seem to really like 100-200 micron golden pearls. I dried some frozen daphnia, but they didn't really take to it, and I had to siphon it out. The small ones, half of them come up to eat the golden pearls sometimes, but mostly stay near the bottom looking for microworms.


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The little ones are small because of the hormones being put off by the bigger ones. It's a survival mechanism...the larger ones survive, and the smaller ones die in the wild. The smaller ones stay small because of so much hormone in the water.

I know that's poorly worded, but I'll explain better later if you ask me to. :)

Once you start jarring, the little ones will catch up. Mine have been jarred for a few weeks now, and the little ones are absolutely shooting up in size.
Wou. they grow fast. :) Small batch are better to takecare. Congratulation on your first time hatching. :cool:
You know, I just realized that mine hatched on the exact same day as yours.... Cool. :p
10. It was my first spawn. I had 36 when I jarred them, but some mass bacterial problem (I think it was!) spread through and slaughtered 26 of them, leaving me with 10 little fry. Killed all the big ones and left me with the smaller half of the spawn. Been weeks, though, since I lost a single fry, and everybody's fat, healthy, and happy at the moment.

It was a very small spawn to begin with, though! Only about 50 eggs ever hatched in the first place. :)
Hmm..I just noticed with my bigger betta babies, that the tips of their ventrals are kind of green in colour. I also notice near the edges of their other fins (on a few of them) are a green colour as well. Looks kind of "stringy" or hair like almost like algae.

Anyone know what this is?


Just decided to take some pics of my spawn. Here they are (sorry for the bad quality...was kind of in a rush today).


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Olala. So fun to watch babies growth big. Just a glimbs and they all fully blossom and become pretty!!! Good job!! :cool:
Now what is your next breeding? LOL :lol:

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