Cory Color

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Fish Crazy
Jun 22, 2004
Reaction score
Portland, OR
Ok, I've had this spotted cory for a few months now. Just yesterday I moved him to the big tank (40H). Him and the 2 Aeneus cories were crazy, swimming with their reflections in the mirror and all. They all still are, but the spotted one looks really weird. The once green to black spots are gone. He's just pink now, except for on top. He still acts completely normal, and just ate last night. When I turned off the light last night, he was fine. I added new fish last night, so that may have been stressful.

Any thoughts?

Edited: Pictures. They aren't great, but as you see, there's no spots.


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They go pale when stressed, just to make sure can you post test results in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, also did you add them to the tank at the same temp and ph.
I have all of those but Nitrate. Yes, I acclimated them with temp, and I have the same PH in both tanks. I did add some wood, could that have messed with the PH and made it do this?
Well, I just looked again, and it isn't as pale. It's getting it's spots back, although they aren't to their former greatness yet.
Just check your ph to make sure, something has bothered the fish, maybe even the move, just keep an eye on him and watch water quality, good luck.
Like I said, is looking almost normal now. It's spots are back, but not as bold as before.
Hi dothedew :)

It was probably just the stress that caused him to fade out. If they are coming back it is a sign that he is adjusting to his new environment.

While he will school with the other corys, it would be a good idea to get him at least one companion of his own kind too. :D
Each day now, it's really pale when the lights go on. before I turn 'em off, the spots are full color.
I have 4 corries and everything the lights go on via the timer one of the corries goes a bit pale like what you say and hides for a good hour in the caves I have in the tank. He comes out afterwards andhis spots are back on him. He has been doing this for the past 2 months since I got the lights on the timer.

He is fine, eats like crazy, plays with the other corries, swims like no tomorrow and all but I guess he is just finiky about when the lights go on. :rolleyes:

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