The Amazing Adventures of Jamnog

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Fish Herder
May 9, 2003
Reaction score
South Wales
well i got this new tank and i was going to post pics and a little bit of a description of what i was doing. im shure you guys will be sick of me talking about my new tank. some of you will probably get so bored of me talking about my new tank that you will go off and do totally different things like taking up the hobbie of drinking, smoking, or possibly watching t.v. but here it is anyways. for those of you who havent read any of the other threads ive been on they where all gr8. now here is a pic of the aquarium its now day two and ive filled the little blighter with water and put in some nice stones. and of course the sand that took me about three hours to clean. i cleaned the sand a little bit at a time about enough to put in a large fishnet one of my old fishnets to be precise. anyways i rinced all the sand using the rain water i keep in a large rainwater container outside. i introduce the sand slowly to makeshure that it was properly clean (you have to rince it maybee twice or three times to really get it clean of the dust that causes cloudyness. i suppose you have all guessed that the sand turned the water a bit cloudy but not too bad not as bad as you would notice on a web cam. i found my old 200 watt heater and a power head and another air pump. put them all in to the tank in the obviouse places. we have all done it now im just waiting for a week to pass before i get some more plants from the fish shop. then it will be another week before i start to transfer the fish from the 2 foot and add some ready baught ones. ive got a shark catfish crazy thinks will be too big for the tank in like no time flat so i will have to get an even bigger one later on in my fish keeping exploits.

edit : i keep messing up the picture bear with me


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image 90 this here is the shark i was talking about thats too big ... well it will be i would think it was a shame and think of all the money this little tinker was going to cost me but i cant cause it looks so sweet ikew shark awww if anyone knows what it is and its not that weird latin name that i got of the tag (wich i thaught was wrong anyway when i looked it up) then let me know
... where is the upload image thing?

edit: no matter i will link it to one on a web site i will create and update the whole thing on wednesday since i had to put two neons in there today and i have just got e new filter. an external one :)
I never get bored reading about new tank set ups - sometimes I even manage to steal an idea or two., Keep us posted.
very nice tank. I can't ait until I get my new 55. it is 48 long, 13 wide, and 20 tall. will fit the living room wall perfectly, with about 6 inches of wall on either side. to to space restrictions though I will not be able to do a proper cycle. the 25 has to go back to the freinds that loaned it to me when my old 65 shattered. I will how ever use all of the hardware water and substrate from the current tank in the new one hoping to jump start the cycle.
first off its an irridecant shark i posted a pic in an other thread and its been identified. thus im starting to worry because thease things are sposed to be carnivores with smaller fish.
i certainly will keep you posted and i might be able to post a pic and a report tonight tho i feel i might be rushing things a little more than usual due to an unforseen event that happened earlyer in the week


this by the way is the loacal shark jessy told me its an Iridescent and when i looked at one i have to admitt there is no other option than to belive this to be true. unfortuanately tell me its a carnivore (that explains the missing neons sorry guys :unsure: ) i didnt think it would be that bad. anyway i have now got a shark that can grow to 1300mm here i havent got a big enough tank tho i know a place that will take him when he becomes too big for the tank and they have been open for a long time. im gonna keep him for now .
ok so here is an update of the tank so far i think im gonna have to look at what ive changed before i can tell. more plants more bogwood.

edit : oh silly me how could i forget little additions like a chepo 300 watt heater and some thing called the eheim 2213 it was the cheapest external filter they had im guessing that allot of you guys with the 55 gallons and 75 gallons are mad buying such filters...
hmm what was that thing about glass houses and stones again??
oh yea and you might not be able to make them out but there are two neons and an alge eater in there wanted to get the small ones away from the slightly suspect shark.


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here is the two firemouths that i have decided are goign to stay in the 2 foot tank they are still really small but the colour is starting to flood into thier chins.

edit : im going to call them bevis and butthead cause they are allways beating each other up.


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what have i got you thinking about..?

edit : so far ive worked uout that the cichlids are the only thing that ive got thats not from south east aisia.. hmm well i think so i had better check my map
here for your veiwing pleasure is one of the two crabs thats is now in the 4 footer


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of course you know now you said it out loud like that your gonna have to do one of theas photo shoot set ups and show me how its done.
Neons are from South America, as are your Firemouths. Your algea eater, crabs, and Irredesent shark are from South East Asia, although would never be seen togather. The Java Fern is from South America, if my memory serves me right.
thanks the fern is a fantastic plant there is some breeding grass down to the right of it i wanted to get them to mix in a bit so as to taper off from the rock. hopefully i will have a parrot feather forrest off to the left by the bogwood. the plants are as important to me as the fish.
The crab is no more it died yesterday for no reason i can work out apart from the temp was a bit highive lowered it to 78. the other one seems fine if a little shy. i got a camera and have taken some pictures of the tanks. I will get them developed probably near the end of the month. apart from that not much is changeing apart from the shark i have is going back to the shop today or tomorow as he is going to be too big.

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