I'm not the only one that would say this tank is overstocked, according to this forum 3 angels in a 33 gallon would be maxing the tank out, and 4 would be pushing it, and that's just angels.
Have you ever owned angels or silver dollars? or have you seen them full grown in a tank even? I know someone with angels in a 55 gallon and they're not small, If his 33 is anywhere close to my 29g size wise, then yes it IS going to be a tight squeeze for 2 silver dollars, 3 angels, and 2 plecos, not including the other fish. and if the angels decide they want to mate, then you wanna talk about aggression, o yeah and plecos are semi aggressive fish, when they get in a tight space they'll get aggressive too I've definelty seen them aggressive towards others in small tanks at work.
As far as experience goes, I have 3 tanks set up right now, 29 gallon with 5 white skirts, 1 male sword, 2 female swords, 2 otos, 1 skunk cory, 2 panda corys (future plans include 2 more skunks and 1 more panda, as well as another white skirt or two) a 20 gallon with 5 gold barbs, 3 cories (future plans include 6 rasporas and 1 dwarf gourami) and a 10 gallon, with 3 platys (going to see how breeding them goes) I have had the 29gallon up for about 2 months, the 20 has been up for a little over a month (dorm room tank) and the 10 gallons been up for about the same time (also in my dorm), but I've been around aquariums and been doing research for over a year, I have also worked at petsmart for over a year and a half, and though you may go "o chain store employee" that's so stereotypical, many of us at petsmart (atleast mine) know what we're talking about through our own experiences and research and the oh 20 or training books we have to do (just on fish/small animals/birds, so not including cat/dog info) so I believe we are very well informed, I've read numerous books on fish, own numerous books on fish, have researched on the internet, I see myself as very well informed, I didn't say that the 1" rule was followed for everything I just believe it's a good starting point. and there's no way that 99" of fish belond in a 33 gallon, no matter how little or much waste they produce or how fast you remove it.
Just my opinion take it for how it's worth, listen to me, don't listen to me, but when the tanks a year old and fish start getting big and then all the sudden fish start dying, don't question why? just my 2 cents...