My newbie tank

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New Member
Sep 8, 2004
Reaction score
Montreal, Canada
Being bored, i just wanted to post a pic of my tank. Maybe i can get some suggestions or criticisms that can help me out.


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    80.2 KB · Views: 33
That's a really nice setup. Well done!

Do you know the name of that tall plant in the corner by the heater?
Thats a great looking tank :)

whats the volume?

that's an awesome looking tank! the only criticism I'd be able to give you is to remove the what appears to be water trapped in your background picture. Otherwise it's great :cool:
I never thought about water being there, but upon closer inspection I think you are right....

I thought it was some funky shaped fish cutout. :lol:

Couldn't figure out why someone would want that kind of shape on the back of there tank. :lol:
Yeah, the background has a ship cutout. It's only there now coz the whole poster was glowing like that first and it looked crazy. But it's kind of hard to keep the whole poster wet, it doesnt last. Anyways, im shocked to hear that it might be even considered TOTM coz its only a month running and its my first. I have 3 fake plants, the rest are real. The one next to the heater, the one behind the pot and the marijuana one (it is that). Unfortunately i dont know the name of that one ur asking about. I wanted to add more plants but it makes cleaning the sand harder for me.

I have black tahitian moon sand, and its a 33 gallon tank.
4 Molly
2 platy
2 pleco
3 angel fish
7 neon tetras
1 black ghost knife (just died :no: )
2 red eyed tetras
1 glassfish
2 silver dollar

Here is a pic of my glassfish (i had another one in red but it died)


  • Resized_DSCN1889.jpg
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It is quite pretty! Best of luck with it.
You probably lost the red one as I think that they are dyed fish and it weakens them quite a bit. I'm not a fan of the whole dyed fish thing, but the rest of your fish look great from what I can tell.

Yes that glassfish (and I'm sure the other one was too) is dyed. I'm sure you didn't realize that they were at the time, that's ok, but don't buy anymore fish like that that are dyed!!
Otherwise, I think it's an awesome looking tank!!!! Great Job!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :D
EDIT: If you want to find out more about dyed/painted fish, go here .
does no one else think that 3 angels (full grown 6 inches a piece), 2 plecos (commons get almost 2 feet a piece)and 2 silver dollars (I believe like 8 inches in diameter a piece) in a 33 gallon tank is a bit overboard as far as long term tank mates goes? I mean maybe the 3 angels with a few of the other fish in there, but with all those other fish AND 3 angels AND 2 silver dollars AND 2 plecos, even with just the 3 angels, 2 plecos, and 2 silver dollars, it sounds a bit overloaded for the long haul, hope you have a bigger tank set up ready when those fish get bigger because they will and you're defienetly going to need a bigger tank... hate to be the first to criticize but just something I felt needed to be brought up.

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