New reef Aquarium.

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Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
North Devon
At last I'v nearly got everything for my new reef. Just waiting to finish the cabinet and for a few spair parts for some of the equipment.

specs (pictures to follow)

main aquarium - 48"x30"x26"
Sump - 36"x18"x18"


Deltec ap600 skimmer
Delted fr509 for rowaphos
Deltec fr509 for carbon
Deltec auto top-up system
3 x Eheim 1262's for returns
1 aquamedic ocean runner 3500 as a closed loop
probably a sequence 750 as a closed loop but not quite sure yet.
Deltec Kalk stirrir (to be added at a later date)
korrallin 1501 calcium reactor
Miracle mud fuge
pod refugium above the main tank
6 1100lph powerheads for additional water movement.
2x 250watt 10000K halides fitted with spiderlight reflectors
6 x 54watt T5's mixed whites and blues


Most of the things in the old tank inc, powder blue tang, yellow tang, brown spot rabbit fish, blue hamlet and most of the SPS corals will be going in. Its all going to be hard corals (sps and lps) I'd also like a shoal of hawian lemon butterflys in the new system.

With any luck it will all be up and running in the next 1-2 weeks.

nearly finished the cabinet. Here's a crap pic untill I can upload some better pics of the other didgital camera. still needs a few coats of paint.

ste :)


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and one of the tank. very dark but its in the garage untill the old one is stripped out.

ste :)


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Sounds like you've got one good system there!,

Was wondering if you save much money buying everything separately, ie, making the cabinet for the tank etc..

I'm looking at a aqua medic percula 120, got some filter stuff with about £1400,

or a smaller deltec at £1700 :eek: !!, but seems to have most of the stuff you have.

Do you think it's worth me doing a similar thing to you? rather than buying a complete system?


It all depends on how much experience you have. The stand has cost me about £200 in total with the wood (marine ply) over £100 and the rest on paint, screws etc etc. You will always save money by building the system your self. I bought most of the exuipment secondhand and built the cabinet and helped with the building of the tank. If your new to marines, then I would say go for the systemised aquarium either deltec or aquamedic. The deltecs have the advantage of as sump system and that means you can add more equipment as you go along which you can't with the aquamedic.

If you do want to build your own system and need any help, just ask :)

The cabinet is now in the house and finished and the tank will go in tomorrow. also, the sequence pump for the closed loop has arrived.

BTW: I based the design of the cabinet on that of a deltec one.

ste :)


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Got a better pic with the tank now on the cabinet. I'm going to start filling it today If I can get the RO unit plumbed in.

ste :)


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