New Member
My betta has been struggling with fin rot that begins as holes in the fins, then grow to larger splits, since around August. I’ve treated him several times with 3 different antibiotic medications. Tank parameters are monitored, tank is 10 gallon heated and filtered with live plants, and he gets weekly water changes. Maracyn II seemed to stop the progression of the holes and rot for a while, but there was very little to no new growth after stopping the meds. He’s been getting Indian almond leaves and vitachem since stopping the meds. He’s been pretty consistent for a month or two, not really getting better or worse, but this week a new hole has appeared for the first time in a while. He doesn’t seem to be able to fight the infection on his own. New growth only shows while he is still on the meds, and shortly after stopping it disappears. This is the second time he’s regressed and the holes have come back after stopping treatment. His dorsal fin seems to have shrunk as well.
He also has a lump just behind his pectoral fins that is a few months old. It has grown over time and changed color from white to blue. This week, it appears to have opened or turned into a wound. I’m honestly not sure, but it doesn’t look good.
I’m very conflicted about what to do. He’s still very active, curious, and eating, but it’s been really hard watching his body decline. It doesn’t seem worth it to continue to medicate for the fin rot since it only slows it temporarily. The tumor, cyst, lesion, whatever it is just seems to be getting worse over time. I’m considering euthanasia before it gets really bad and it starts to be painful for him, but I’m unsure. What would you guys do?
Do we think this is myco? I thought once symptoms of myco showed up it progressed pretty quickly, but I’m not super familiar. I’m considering completely disinfecting my tank just to be safe.
He also has a lump just behind his pectoral fins that is a few months old. It has grown over time and changed color from white to blue. This week, it appears to have opened or turned into a wound. I’m honestly not sure, but it doesn’t look good.
I’m very conflicted about what to do. He’s still very active, curious, and eating, but it’s been really hard watching his body decline. It doesn’t seem worth it to continue to medicate for the fin rot since it only slows it temporarily. The tumor, cyst, lesion, whatever it is just seems to be getting worse over time. I’m considering euthanasia before it gets really bad and it starts to be painful for him, but I’m unsure. What would you guys do?
Do we think this is myco? I thought once symptoms of myco showed up it progressed pretty quickly, but I’m not super familiar. I’m considering completely disinfecting my tank just to be safe.