My Managerie of Tanks

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Petsmart had some healthier looking rotala, so I grabbed 2 bundles. Usually kill it but hey maybe 3rd try is the charm

Added it to this tank. Slowly adding more to this tank.

A sterbai cory from that tank

Fed frozen brine shrimp yesterday and the tetras were all very excited about it

Bruce the Brute, my ceratogarra cambodgiensis from my 135g, cleaning the glass lol

Couple ember tetras from one of my 55s

Spicy Leaf the apistogramma borelli from my other 55

Husband and I checked out an Amazon return store on one of their $3 days and I found a little mini pump, I put it in my 20g and my bamboo shrimp are loving it.
Yes. Yes he is.

The lack of neck speaks volumes. He's beefy

Highly recommend these fish though for anyone with large fish or semi-aggressive setups. They have really fun personalities. They just can be a little on the bossy side. I lost my other one to the camallanus worms, he was more mellow and got along great with my rainbowfish, plecos, and cories. This one is the more brutish one, hence his name lol he's in with my goldfish, hoplosternum, and common pleco because they're all too big to be bothered by him.

Species info:

They've been recently recategorized as ceratogarra instead of garra, but SF hasn't updated it yet. Mine were bycatch fish in with Chinese algae eaters as wee little babies. Haven't found more since though.
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This was Phillip P Chonker, he was the mellow gentle one. He was picked on by Bruce really badly, so I had to separate them to different tanks. (Bruce ripped all of Phillip's scales off his back)
aw 😍 they must be thriving in your tanks if they have gotten that big. I was just re-reading my old thread on breeding my Sawbwa last year. It is strange seeing images of them so small, from an eyelash to 3-4cm+. Also can't wait for your glowlight tetra breeding project!
aw 😍 they must be thriving in your tanks if they have gotten that big. I was just re-reading my old thread on breeding my Sawbwa last year. It is strange seeing images of them so small, from an eyelash to 3-4cm+. Also can't wait for your glowlight tetra breeding project!
I've had the ceratogarra for about 3 going on 4 years now, checked back through my files, I got them back in 2021. (Has it really been that long now??)

Going back and seeing baby photos compared to full grown photos is crazy.

As for the glowlights, waiting game now to see if anything hatches. Tank is so dark though, I may not see anything for awhile LOL

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