Fish runts, from your breeding???

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well, it's come time to decide the future of my runt... I'm harvesting Tilapia next Friday, means moving my current breeding pair back to an aquarium in doors, as it's getting colder, & time to shut the system down for winter... I'm not going to leave the runt in the breeding tank... it's siblings will be harvested, as well ( as canners, rather than fillets ) but it hasn't died, doesn't look hugely deformed, and is about the size of a platy, while it's siblings, are at 6 inches... so euthanize or move to a non Tilapia tank, is the question... I kind of want to watch it, & see what happens, & I could put in in my juvenal grow out tank... except that I've seen fingerlings outside where my breeding pair spent the summer, & I don't want to mix those up... which means it would almost have to go into one of my regular tanks, which I'm really hesitant about... curiosity be danged, I may have to euthanize???
Well, the runt died, I did nothing special for it… may have lived longer, if I had catered to it… siblings were all 6 inches, yet it was this small…
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