So… if they don’t make a good centerpiece fish either, I may just have to give up on them… since I have no interest in breeding them, and no local shop to hand pick… I used to have them when I was younger… I had 3 zebra lace that had red eyes… they weren’t really albino, so I just called them my “stoned angels” and I had them for several years, in a 30 gallon community tank… and I really liked them… now that I’m getting older, thought it would be cool to have them again…
However now I like my tanks to look peaceful… funny that I don’t remember them sparing, but many of my fish were very aggressive back then, so if there was stress in the tank, I maybe didn’t notice with all the other aggressive fish activity in other tanks
I may still decide to buy one, because I’ve never been a conformist… I have one tank, that literally has everything wrong, and yet everyone looks healthy & at peace… it may come crashing to an end someday, but as long as I have kept fish now… today my goal is long term stability… back 20 or 30 years ago, if a fish lasted more than a year, you must be doing something right… but life is a big experiment, and right now my tank with everything wrong, is one of my favorites…
The one I was considering the angels for only has 4 juvenile Congo Tetras in it, other than bottom fish ( they were added as a test to weather I could actually keep a soft water fish alive, with my bad water… they were added as a test, after switching over to the RO… I’m thinking I would like more of those to get closer to a proper shoal, and maybe add one Zebra lace down the road…
This tank has literally everything wrong, from the lucky bamboo, to all the fish and substrate, yet it seems to work… and requires very little maintenance, even the water tests good before my regular water changes