HELP NEEDED *Pics of poorly Betta attached*

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Fish Fanatic
Aug 10, 2003
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Solihull UK
One of my Bettas "Spot" i think is poorly, he seems to be acting pretty normal, maybe a little bit mopey and i dont think he has been flaring at much, although he still flares at the mirror!

I thought he had constipation because he looked a little bloated and it was evident the day before that i had overfed him. Anyway, i thought i had better fast him for a short while to get him better again. I got a bit more concerned after i saw that the poo that was hanging out of him didnt look much like poo anymore. Instead of being one continous string of poo its lots of little bits and today it looks a bit like a lump with stringy bits hanging from it, its really wierd. It doesnt look like fungus but i may be corrected

Its hard to get a pic of what im on about, i will try and post the pics below and see what you think.

I really need some help with this one, im real worried.



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Last one!! Forgot to say, he lives on a diet of Frozen Bloodwork and Hikari Betta bio gold.

Any ideas anyone please? What do i need to do??


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From What I know, It looks like a Prolapse.

It might not Be, but thats what it looks like to me.

Don't Know what can be done.
hmm that thing th'ats out of his stomach area..tha'ts not his stomach orfins or anything right? is that what he's trying to poo out?


that doesn't really looke like constipation..that or it's constipation to the extreme :crazy: sorry to hear about it :(

have you tried fasting him and giving him peas for a few days? peas are a natural laxative for bettas and will clear out their digestive system. If you want to give it a try, boil/cook the frozen pea, and then take off the outer shell and cut it to bite size pieces and feed it to the betta :)

I would also try adding some salt into this tank, i'm not really big on medications so i don't kno wof any medicine that you should be giving him. Mayble someone else coudl asnwer that for you.

and i dont 'know what prolapse is :/
Yeah thats it!!! Sorry i should have circled it myself.

As i say at first i though i had just overfed him a little as he had the normal tell tale signs of just a long stringy poo coming out of him (sorry for bein so graphic). But the last couple of days this has appeared and it dont look good!

As i say i have fasted him for approx 3 days now and its not showing signs of improvement. He doesnt look too bloated to me either.

I hope i can rescue him, dont wanna lose him!!

Edit : I will have to try the pea thing, may add a little salt tonight. Im not big on meds either but when needs must!!!
yeah i'd give the pea thing a try and see if he can get it out of his system..i dont' kno wif that's..poo or if that's something else :/ you could be lookin at some kind of internal parasite or something like that :blink: but i hope he just has a bad case of constipation :(
Thank you!! I will try the pea thing and cross my fingers!!

Does anyone else have any ideas?????
Matt I've never seen or heard of anything like that. Doesn't look very pleasant :/ I would go with what Cotton said for now and hope Wuv stops into this thread. Looks like it might be serious.

Sorry I can't be of more help.
I am with psgill00 on this looks like something more serious to me than constipation -_- . I have never heard or seen this happen before. Perhaps someone with more experience can swoop in and save the day. I wish you the best of luck.
Thank you!!

If anyone else reads this then please reply, even if its just ideas. Dont not post because you think the thread is looking full.

I need as much help as i can get!!

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