Fish Crazy
Looks great.
Thanks.Looks absolutely brilliant! Very jealous I can never get bulbs to grow. Have you ever tried any of the other bulbs like Crinums and Apomnegetion (probably spelt wrong sorry...)?
Your Emperors look amazing as well really chunky!
Perhaps its cos I don't use any chemicals is why bulbs thrive for conditioners or any additives, just Buxton bottled water and nowt elseUnless it's a light Bulb I don't have much luck.
Never used fertiliser of any kind with the bulbs....they are the only green thing that I seem to get on with (apart from Hornwort which is also mounting a takeover bid in the 29 and part of which will be transferred to the 53 next water change)my only advice in the long run...root tabs..
it'll make your life so much easier
I love marimo balls but they're so expensive in canada...
they used to be 5-10$ in stores...because they're illegal now you can only buy it from other people that still have them and they go for 50$ for a full size ball which is a bit insane
I hope its mot the fizzy stuffPerhaps its cos I don't use any chemicals is why bulbs thrive for conditioners or any additives, just Buxton bottled water and nowt else
Thank youVery very nice.