Floating plants

They need a bigger tank them that for pugnax :)
I know... I couldnt get it even if I wanted to or could. Dont have the space and also, if I said the betta was in WA my parents would argue... My dad would be like: "Hey, honey we need to go to WA" and then my mom would be like: "No, not for a fish your not and were not going anyway"... 😂😂
My mom doesnt like going far AT ALL
I know... I couldnt get it even if I wanted to or could. Dont have the space and also, if I said the betta was in WA my parents would argue... My dad would be like: "Hey, honey we need to go to WA" and then my mom would be like: "No, not for a fish your not and were not going anyway"... 😂😂
My mom doesnt like going far AT ALL
I would ship her. Thats how she got to me. Im lucky too, wetspot put my address wrong, but the delivery guy recognized my name and brought her anyway, she probably wouldn't have made it if she was taken somewhere else or shipped back
I would ship her. Thats how she got to me. Im lucky too, wetspot put my address wrong, but the delivery guy recognized my name and brought her anyway, she probably wouldn't have made it if she was taken somewhere else or shipped back
Luckily you knew the shipping guy...

wait... She knew the shipping guy?
Luckily you knew the shipping guy...

wait... She knew the shipping guy?
I live in a small town lol and have a unique name, he recognized it cause he always gives my dog treats :rofl:
I live in a small town lol and have a unique name, he recognized it cause he always gives my dog treats :rofl:
Ah ok lol.
We have neighbors with the same last name, so our mail lady is always like: "Waaaaait.... What"
Ah ok lol.
We have neighbors with the same last name, so our mail lady is always like: "Waaaaait.... What"
Yeah both my first and last name arent common haha
was that supposed to be a dirty joke 😜

I really dont know what I was saying lol
So you are Ms. Unique!
(I mean that in a non-sarcastic and complimenting way)
Oh yeah you should see people try to pronounce my name. I got 4 voicemails from 4 of my doctors and all of them pronounced my name wrong in a different way :rofl:
Wait…no water changes for 3 months? ;o
If your parents feed and do water changes, how much are they charging. Asking for a friend :3
My tanks are large and way understocked. I will have my boyfriend do a couple water changes hopefully but they will survive with lots of plants.

They arent charging me haha thankfully even though they have to drive 20 minutes to get to the house to feed
My tanks are large and way understocked. I will have my boyfriend do a couple water changes hopefully but they will survive with lots of plants.

They arent charging me haha thankfully even though they have to drive 20 minutes to get to the house to feed
That’s a good boyfriend, I welcome his water changing services as well! Sounds like I need to move near my parents and get a boyfriend. Noting that down.

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