Best way to get rid of assassin snails?


New Member
Dec 6, 2016
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Could anyone suggest the best way to get rid of assassin snails please.

I put 2 in my tank to help keep the number down on snails that had appeared in my tank. It worked out well to begin with but now I have loads of assassins. Soon as I put abit of food in for fish they all appear from the sand. I'm constantly removing old shells so looks like there eating each other as there is no other type of snails left. Don't mind having a few but there's gotta be over a 100 of them now.

What's best thing to do with them if I remove them from tank?
Contact the pet shop you got them from, and sell them back. Use the money or store credit to buy other things for the tank.
Once you have them they are hard to get rid off completely. When the new ones are born they go into the substrate to grow. it is safer underground. When they are tiny it is almost impossible ti catch them all.

I usually bring a couple of bags of 10 each to my fish club's monthly meeting and they always sell. I usually make them a donation to the club. There are 3 auctions for assassins on Aquabid- the price per snail ranges from $1.66 to $3 each. Plus shipping.

Could anyone suggest the best way to get rid of assassin snails please.

I put 2 in my tank to help keep the number down on snails that had appeared in my tank. It worked out well to begin with but now I have loads of assassins. Soon as I put abit of food in for fish they all appear from the sand. I'm constantly removing old shells so looks like there eating each other as there is no other type of snails left. Don't mind having a few but there's gotta be over a 100 of them now.

What's best thing to do with them if I remove them from tank?
How big are they? Cause that sounds a lot more like trumpet snails. Assassins breed very slow, and stay very hidden as babies. The babies will have just as bold of stripes as the adults.

Edit: assassins also are not known anywhere to kill each other.
If they are assassins I just sold 3 for $15 to a member of a local Facebook group I’m in.
I'm sure there assassins. Il take a pic later when I put some food in.
There's a lot of empty shells that's why I thought they was eating each other. Only fish I thought might eat them is my Striped Raphael catfish.
When the amount of food declines they will breed slower. I'd pick them up manually when surfacing from the substrate.
BIG BRAIN moment here:


Be very careful not to allow even one to escape into the environment (flushing, water changes, etc can release even one miniscule snail into the waster water). If released into the environment, they have been known to eradicate all native snails, further destroying the ecosystem. Some areas in the US a few years ago were considering a ban on them, not sure if this went ahead; but be very careful.
I'm sure there assassins. Il take a pic later when I put some food in.
There's a lot of empty shells that's why I thought they was eating each other. Only fish I thought might eat them is my Striped Raphael catfish.
Pics would help. Just from all your descriptions I’m still leaning towards trumpets. It would take quite a while to get tons of assassins in your tank.
Here's a couple of pictures of them. Fed fish about 10 min ago and now loads have came out all over the tank.

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