What are some fun quirks of your fish?

Story time!!

So my sister works at home and on her desk I keep my blue Betta, Rem, because Rem likes the the visual stimulation of watching my sisters computer screens (she was so bored before). And today, my sister pulled our youngest dog Yuki into her lap.

And Rem? Rem was not having it. She paced along the glass, flaring her fins, and stared Yuki down.

Now, usually my dogs ignore my fish. I don’t have that many blue fish, so most of my fish probably look pretty grey and meh on their eyes. But Rem is blue. And pups can see blue. And when my sister pointed at Rem, Yuki followed her finger and you could see the moment Yuki and Rem locked eyes.

It was an intense stare down.

And then Yuki slowly leaned forward towards the tank and booped the glass softly with her nose and Rem FREAKED. She darted away quickly. But Rem likes new things. So two seconds later, her head was poking out of the plants and she swam back up to the glass. Yuki saw, tilted her head, and *boop* Rem ran away again.

And then Rem came a bit more apprehensively to the glass. And *boop*

Three times must be the charm because Rem ran away again and stayed hidden for a good 10 minutes after Yuki was put back down. Her tank is heavily planted so if Rem doesn’t want to be found, then by golly she won’t be found. She’s just an attention seeker whose constantly like “Look at me! Look at me!”

I realize how terrifying that would be as a fish having a strange creature with long sharp teeth coming towards you and not entirely trusting glass, but as a human watching the situation i think my heart melted. I wish I recorded it. It was such a cute interaction. The soft little nose boops And Rem who kept coming back to check out Yuki. And it was worth the absolute stink eye Rem gave me later.
Since moving to the new aquarium, Bristles the BN has taken a strong liking to the hollow resin mangrove root. So much so that he will not allow anyone else in there.

Every morning when I put the lights on his tail pops up and gives me the royal tail wave

"Good morning Bristles, nice to see your bottom as usual, any chance of seeing the rest of you please?"

To which he snuggles back down into the mangrove til lights out when he does his royal wave once again....

Meet Lips! One of the guppy fry I’ve raised. He’s got big ol’ golden smooch lips built for kissin.
My two gudgeons like to give me scares and go away for three days or more and right when I think their dead they pop out of no where and go: "Gotcha!" My male gudgeon also tries to squeeze himself into the tightest of places... If there's a hole it sees, no matter how big, he will try to fit in... Its like, I hate to say it, but I think you're a bit to fat for that doorway...
my betta is the laziest guy ever. he doesn't even bother to eat the food unless i put it right in his face or signal where the food is
My Sevs allow me to pet them, they pop right up to the top like "Hey mom, give us some love, we see you pet the dogs all day, so our turn."

All the fish, regardless which tank, have taken a liking to nibbling on my arm when I am in the tanks doing maintenance. I have a fair amount of freckles, so they aim for them. Everyone from the itty bitty Tetras to the 8" Sevs.

The Shrimp can't be left out, they are funny, without fail when I am pruning their tank they congregate on my hand/arm, They all wait until the very last moment to jump off back into the water, for this reason I have to go slow so no one accidentally jump out of the tank.

My Black ghost likes to do what your betta does, he winds up curling against my arm and palm. He is a bit big (16 inches) to fit very well, he is hand fed, has been ever since he was a baby. He gets an attitude though if I mess with his lair(Prune plants, vacuum around it, or tidy up the substrate as the Geos mound it up in odd places). Holy smokes.

My red hump Geo and one of my electric blue acara show off to each other. They do the shimmy, mouths open and do a bit of flashing. They follow each other everywhere. It is strange but they never nip or act agressively. They are an odd couple.
Not sure I'd call it a "quirk" exactly, but in my native tank, I have a madtom- a very small native catfish. I added it for the purpose of cleaning uneaten food. It seems to have a hiding spot under a log, and I seldom see it. In fact, I may go months without a sighting. Each time, my son tries to convince me that it has finally died, but so far, he has always been wrong.
My Apisto.....everytime I get the hoover out to do the floor infront of the aquarium....

He gives me the evil eye....then a huge yawn.....then turns his back on me, swims towards his cave, wiggles his tail and settles into the cave still giving me attitude....

"Oh....do you REALLY have to do that right now.....I am SO tired....go away and take that noise with you"

It is such a hard life being a fish.....
Pray for my grandson, newly named Parasail, y’all. Nothing wrong but his top fin is effing long. I think, just maybe, he might be compensating for something… LMAOOO


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My Triple Red Apistogrammas. Whenever I do a bit of in-tank maintenance they both seem intent on helping out. The swim around an inch from my hands and poke their noses into whatever it is I'm doing. Even when I'm netting other fish they are always on the scene before the others
Just witnessed a moth fall into my female guppy tank.

Remind me to never get on the wrong side of them. Ever.

I just witnessed a brutal rugby game where the girls were dragging the moth around the tank biting off bits and pieces slowly. The poor moth didn’t even die right away.
Just witnessed a moth fall into my female guppy tank.

Remind me to never get on the wrong side of them. Ever.

I just witnessed a brutal rugby game where the girls were dragging the moth around the tank biting off bits and pieces slowly. The poor moth didn’t even die right away.
Not sure if you knew this but the thread title says this is for FUN quirks 😂

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