Here I go again 150 gallon reset.

I am seriously, seriously jealous of that garden.....reminds me of the garden I had when a kid living on the island. Dad built a platform at the bottom so that I could watch the shipping going up and down the Solent

As for the aquarium.......oh to have green thumbs like that :look:
@wasmewasntit, @NannaLou just for you guys a couple of photos of the garden. We run a garden maintenance business. My love is fish, my wife's love is her garden
Thank you @itiwhetu

Your garden is absolutely idyllic, its gorgeous. It is easy to see that your wife has put heart and soul into your garden :)
Thank you @itiwhetu

Your garden is absolutely idyllic, its gorgeous. It is easy to see that your wife has put heart and soul into your garden :)
We are spoilt here, every morning I wake up and look at that I think really, we live here. I am truly blessed to have this wonderful property and my beautiful wife.
I am seriously, seriously jealous of that garden.....reminds me of the garden I had when a kid living on the island. Dad built a platform at the bottom so that I could watch the shipping going up and down the Solent

As for the aquarium.......oh to have green thumbs like that :look:
I'm a keen golfer so I have four golf holes on the front lawn around 85 meters each, the front lawn is around two acres
I'm a keen golfer so I have four golf holes on the front lawn around 85 meters each, the front lawn is around two acres
Oh you really know how to make someone envious don't you? :lol:

You lucky so'n'so :)
I will hi jack my own thread here, just so you don't get the wrong idea about me. Our 275sq meter house on ten acres of land cost us less than $US150,000. We have 8 acres of native bush plus the garden. In the bush is a creek with about one hundred meters of glow worms running down the side of it. We are not rich just lucky.
I will hi jack my own thread here, just so you don't get the wrong idea about me. Our 275sq meter house on ten acres of land cost us less than $US150,000. We have 8 acres of native bush plus the garden. In the bush is a creek with about one hundred meters of glow worms running down the side of it. We are not rich just lucky.
It sounds perfectly idyllic....and yes you are flippin' lucky.....its not fair :lol:
I love a beautiful garden, and yours does fit into that category, my Dad can rearrange the plants in his garden at anytime of the year, pour on a bucket of water and you’d never now they’d moved…I now only have four small troughs on the balcony and not matter how hard I try (and I do) I can’t even keep the weeds alive 😢😂
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Beautiful tank and garden... As others have said... I'm late lol

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