You could place some VFT with some sarrs since both plants need dormancy. I have a minibog with VFT's and Sarracenia purpurea (typical height 8"). (see pic, taken early this year) There is also a D. rotundifolia in there.
Next year I might make another minibog which will have my Sarracenia "Dixie Lace" (typical height 10"), move the D. rotundifolia into this bog along with my D. filiformis, and Pinguicula grandiflora since all the plants have the same dormancy requirements. I might have to experiment with the P. grandiflora in direct sunlight all day. It might not be able to withstand the intense afternoon sun.
My cobra lily is happy with a soil mix of LFS, perlite, peat moss, and lava rock.
I've fed my leopard geckos waxworms before breeding season. Never used them on my neps, they are very fatty.