My cycling update thread...

This is the qt tank... I plan on getting a small heater unless the thermostat reads above 70 and I'm also going to get a few tall silk plants
I finished this test at 1:18pm even though I was supposed to test at 10am to 11am... Ammonia is well under .25 and nitrite is way under 1ppm... What should I do? Wait till tomorrow to add more ammonia?
Will do! So, I'll probably be adding it tomorrow then... Just give it a day
Wait until they are both zero then add another 3 ppm ammonia.
Will do! So, I'll probably be adding it tomorrow then... Just give it a day
Yep, always best to wait until both ammonia and nitrite reads zero then add 3ppm and hope that becomes zero in 24 hours or less.

Getting there.

Patience ;)

My cycling is almost finished as well and just a waiting game for it to completely cycle. Guess I have to be patient too! :lol:
Yep, always best to wait until both ammonia and nitrite reads zero then add 3ppm and hope that becomes zero in 24 hours or less.

Getting there.

Patience ;)

My cycling is almost finished as well and just a waiting game for it to completely cycle. Guess I have to be patient too! :lol:
Were in it together! Lol
@xxBarneyxx and @Slaphppy7... So I haven't been updating lately but I have been adding 3ppm ammonia about every other day... And nitrites have constantly been under 0.25 but today it seems I've had a small spike to 0.50-1.0ppm and I cant do anything tomorrow cause I'll be gone (I'll actually be gone later today)
I'm going to add some more ammonia today so that way maybe it'll finish cycling while I'm gone for my trip
I would just up the ammonia back to 3ppm before you leave and see were its at when you get back. The Nitrite eating bacteria can take awhile to get going so hopefully when you get back it should have moved along a little.

When you get back I would expect things to maybe be zeroed out. Add the ammonia again and check after 24 hours to see what to do next.
I would just up the ammonia back to 3ppm before you leave and see were its at when you get back. The Nitrite eating bacteria can take awhile to get going so hopefully when you get back it should have moved along a little.

When you get back I would expect things to maybe be zeroed out. Add the ammonia again and check after 24 hours to see what to do next.
Thanks! I'll add the ammonia now and check it in 4 days lol
So exactly 24hrs after yesterday's 3ppm dose of ammonia it reads at .25ppm ammonia and 0ppm nitrites
Would have expected ammonia to be at 0ppm if nitrite is at 0ppm.

Could be a false reading of ammonia.

Did you double check the tests, do one more check of ammonia as it’s quite common to get false readings especially if made a mistake with number of drops of solution from bottle to test tube.

Also any water sample taken from tank is less than 1 inch of water surface can be a factor, always best to get 5ml sample of water from at least 2 inches below surface of tank water, this way you get a purer sample as water surface scum from can have an effect on results.

I use a clean turkey baster to get water sample from at least 3-4 inches under water surface, saves getting my hands and arm from getting wet as well!

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