Dirty substrate


New Member
Mar 26, 2021
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Adelaide Hills
My partner has a 6ft tank with substrate lots of plants and small red shrimp. The water is completely dirty and cloudy even after 70% water change and waiting for weeks...
This won't go away...
Any advice?
My partner has a 6ft tank with substrate lots of plants and small red shrimp. The water is completely dirty and cloudy even after 70% water change and waiting for weeks...
This won't go away...
Any advice?


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Ehiem pro 2 and cleaned a week ago. It never cleared up and went like this before water change
I know he feeds the little red shrimps and doesn't clean the excess on the bottom as it is substrate he seems to think you don't have to????
He had a car accident 2 years ago and has been struggling with his tanks since his brain injury. I convinced him to move on the fish but we have kept the plants and shrimp.
In this tank its like the bottom is being stirred up and leaving it dusty.
I would just buy a gravel cleaner. I got my one for 4 dollars off wish. It works great. I had the same problems with one of my tanks and the gravel cleaner did the job.

Step 1: clean the gravel.

Step 2: do 3, 50% water changes. After the water changes the water will still be bad. Just leave it for a few days.

Step 3, optional but recomended: add fish tank carbon.
aww the posters story is actually quite touching and also upsetting:-(
I really hope you find a solution to this!

im sure all the members and staff here will be more than happy to help you!

if i think of anything of use ill be sure to post it for you
are you sure this isnt a Bacterial Bloom?
It may well be, but the filter still needs to be cleaned (with conditioned water) and there still needs to be repeated (daily), water changes, of at least 25%.

The tank appears to be divided...how so?

Going further forward, it would be helpful if you could buy several bunches of cheap aquarium plants and just place them in the tank...no need to anchor them or anything, at this stage. ;)

Do you have a test kit and, if so, what are the readings, lease?

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