Cloudy water - opinions please?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 23, 2020
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Hi, my aquarium is approx two months old and since set up has had a brown tint to the water. Initially thought it was from the wood and/or substrate, but is still present after two months. Be interested if others think thus could still be tannins or its something else? Algae, bacteria?

Ammonia = 0
Nitrites = 0
pH = 6.8
Temp = 24°
KH = 2.5 dkh
Phosphate (in case anyone was wondering) , PO4-P)= 0.25 mg/l
Size = 240l
Filter=internal Ciano bioflow xl with 2x bio bact and 2x cler and protect plus Coarse and normal sponges

Fish: 5x Black emperor tetra; 7x albino x-ray tetra; 4x cardinal tetra; 8x smudge spot corydoras; 4x venezuelan orange corydoras; 2x honey gourami.


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Looks like tannins, but hard to tell from the pic.

What kind of wood is in the tank? Was it boiled before placing in the tank?
There are 6 of these in there. Not entirely sure what they are though, the label said rosewood.
I did soak them but the water would only have been 30C tops .


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There are 6 of these in there. Not entirely sure what they are though, the label said rosewood.
I did soak them but the water would only have been 30C tops .
Hmmm...almost looks like mopani, to any rate, I'm fairly certain the cloudiness is indeed tannins, which are beneficial for your fish...personally, I like that tinted look in aquariums, very natural looking
I usually find tannins result in clear but coloured water, but I expect that might depend exactly how many tannins. Will free living algae last forever if the nutrients can't be used up on plants or surface living algae? I never test phosphate so I have no idea if 0.25 is excessive or not. Did you test nitrates? Have you tried simply doing several water changes to dilute the cloudiness out? If the water is clear but tinted, I wouldn't worry, sometimes it makes fish colours pop. Eventually the staining ability of wood wears out after weeks and weeks of normal water changing. In fact some people then add botanics, peat or even roobos tea or however you spell it to get the "blackwater" effect back.
Revisiting this to double check. Four photos of the tank now one month on.
General feeling this is still tanins?


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I can't this clearer than it was?

When I set my second tank up, with a predominantly sandy base, I had clear water for a while, but then it went cloudy. Turned out that my filter had been sucking sand 'dust' out of the water and had become a little on the clogged side. Cleaning the filter resolved this and it just repeated once more, before it settled down to clarity.

Cloudiness (if milky) would be a bacterial bloom, but that should've cleared up by now.
The other possibility is an algae...either brown diatomic or green. If you put some in a glass, you should be able to see what colour it would also be particulate, ie be full of tiny particles. If it was still tannins, then the water should be brown, but still a good tea.
Water up to the light looks clear!


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Haha, it's not the glass (I don't think, unless there is something in the glass from manufacture).
I also made a point of collecting the water from different parts of the tank in case there was dead spots...

It's clear from the front view too. The photos that show it are from the side


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When was the last time the inside glass was cleaned?
I tend to think it's something in the water , because if you catch it at the right angle you can see the clear water coming out from the filter.

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