bad news


i eat buttons
Feb 5, 2004
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Funk Town
i apologize for the bad grammer, but i am a little shaken

my cat oskar (5yr old) has been acting really odd lately
he is a purebred persian/himylian (sp?) so he is not very vocal
but the last 2 days and nights he has been howling and meowing and using the bathroom every 5 minutes
well the other night after hearing him in the litter for about the millionth time after he meowed and meowed and pawed my face to wake me up i felt like he was trying to tell me something
this, as i said was the second night he had acted oddly
so i inspected his littler
there were zillions of very tiny balls of pee (grape sized)
then in front of me (which he is usually shy about) he strained and peed out a tiny drop of pee
then did this twice more in 4 minutes
he then continued to howl
that morning i took him to the vet who informed me that due to his breed being a dessert cat (concentrated urine) and him being male, he was believed to have a urinary tract infection
what was alarming is how fast he went from normal urination to almost none
they took a urine sample, gave him a physical, took his temperature and gave him several injections (anti-inflamatory, meds and fluids)
he is a strictly indoor cat so a trip to the vet was terrifying
so tramatizing that after about 2 hours of needles and strange hands he felt the need to fight for his life
he was growling, hissing, spitting, flailing and screaming
during which he scratched a lady and broke one of his nails off
there was blood everywhere
then he beggan to go into shock out of fear, and began panting (and if you've ever seen a cat pant it is a very scarey sight), gagging, twitching and growling

those of you who know me, know how close i am with my animals and how well taken care of and loved they are
so of course this ordeal had me in tears
they wanted him overnight for a hospital stay
but knowing my dad would freak out over the bill
i only asked them to do what was entirely nessesary, and took the cat home
the bill for what they did was $350

when we got home he could not walk due to his toe
he tryed for a while
and he could not stand
so i held him until he was falling asleep

they gave me pills to give him (2 a day) and then a bottle of meds with a syringe (which he is terrified of)
he also has a couple other medications in him from some of the needles
i am supposed to monitor him closely and if he gets any worse it means that it isn't an infection, but stones
i discussed the bill with my father
he was very angry but agreed to pay (its his cat) but if it is stones it will mean caturization and an operation, meaning more money
which my dad does not have
so oskar (the cat) will be euthanized

i am a wreck right now
i don't know what to do
all i can do is pray that the medication works
and i am not a religious person
so i am fairly certain that prayer won't work
all i can do is wait for oskars life to take its course


  • Oskar_paw.JPG
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This breaks my heart just to read it. :-( :-( :-(
I'm so sorry. I hope his medicine works.
I'm crying now :-(

Good luck to you guys
Just reading your account is enough to make me 'feel' sad for you and your cat. Hope things turn for the better. Good luck. :(
thanks everyone
even a few hours later he seems to be peeing a teensy bit more and not howling
i think the medication takes away some of his pain
he's such a beautiful, gentle and loving cat
to see him fighting for his life and going into shock make me break down inside

i hope he's ok
Is so sad when something like this happens to such a beautiful animal. I really hope he's okay with the meds. Good luck, I'm sure he'll be fine. :nod:

I hope your cat is doing better now... I had a pure bred Persian a few years ago and he had exactly the same thing. I was quite young then but i believe it was a urinary tract infection, but he also had something wrong with his kidneys which caused him a lot of pain when he peed.

He carried on (on a lot of medication) for a number of months before he finally died being hit by a car :-( Im sure he would have carried on a lot longer too :)

I have a cat now who has some kind or urinary disorder and hes doing fine, as long as he's kept on a strictly medicated diet.

I really hope Oskar is ok... He's a beautiful cat! :)

Good Luck
I'm sorry about Oskar, Chelsey. :-(

I know how awful it is to see a cat panting. :/

You and Oskar will be in my thoughts and prayers. :)
:sad: That is so sad I sure hope that it gets ok. I have 20 cats and I get all tores up if one of them gets a bad eye so I know what you are going threw..Pointy_kitty I have my fingers crossed that the cat is ok now. I sure hate to hear about anyones cat being sick. Please let us know how it is I will be checking this post every hour now. I am a real softy when it comes to something like this....
he peed!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hyper:
and not just droplets!
it was almost a normal sized pee!
i almost cried
it means the med are working and he should be ok!
i still have to give him meds the entire week just in case
but at least he is getting better
i hope he keeps progressing
everyone keep him in your thoughts and best wishes that he'll make it through this alright

i'm so happy but i don't want to get my hopes up
right now he hate's me cause i have to force him to take all his meds :lol:
I am so relieved that he is feeling better.

Urinary Tract Infections are Very Nasty.

I hope he makes a full recovery

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