So it begins


Fish Crazy
Mar 30, 2021
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After weeks of waiting my tank finally arrived yesterday :banana:
Spent yesterday evening putting the cabinet together. Several basic errors which slowed it down but all sorted in the end.
Today put the backing on the tank. Had some fabric with a black rubberised backing which was doing nothing else so used that.
Sand washed and all wood rinsed off.
Everything that needs to be in place to cycle is in place and ready to go.
Tank filled and water conditioned.
Filter up and running ( nice and quiet)
Heater on.
Going to let it run tonight and start the cycle tomorrow.
Below is a picture of how it looks just set up.
Will be adding plants once the cycle is complete.
what fish are you gonna get? PH GH
did you remove tannins of driftwood?
what fish are you gonna get? PH GH
did you remove tannins of driftwood?
Wood was soaked for five weeks so tannins gone.
Ph is 8
Gh is 4
Going to be getting ember tetras , lampeye killifish and corydoras habrosus. Large groups of each with maybe some honey gourami.
Wood was soaked for five weeks so tannins gone.
Ph is 8
Gh is 4
Going to be getting ember tetras , lampeye killifish and corydoras habrosus. Large groups of each with maybe some honey gourami.
you shoud lower your ph, too high for tetras and killis, try like 7 because thats good for cories.
Water is at 25 c.
First dose of ammonia added.
API shows above 2 but below 4 so assuming it is around 3ppm.
The wait begins ?
The beneficial bacteria will grow better/faster at a higher temp, crank it up to 28C or so.

Get a bubbler going as well, if you don't already have one....did you dechlor the water before beginning?
The beneficial bacteria will grow better/faster at a higher temp, crank it up to 28C or so.

Get a bubbler going as well, if you don't already have one....did you dechlor the water before beginning?
Water dechlorinated before I added ammonia.
Will turn the temp. up.
Heading to my LFS now so will pick up a bubbler.
Thanks for the advice.
Water dechlorinated before I added ammonia.
Will turn the temp. up.
Heading to my LFS now so will pick up a bubbler.
Thanks for the advice.
More than welcome...warmer water tends to hold less dissolved O2, hence the don't need it after the tank is cycled, but some people like them
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First test after adding the ammonia.
Ammonia is reading around 2 and nitrites 0.
Time to sit back and wait for next testing day.
First test after adding the ammonia.
Ammonia is reading around 2 and nitrites 0.
Time to sit back and wait for next testing day.
Ne need to test daily, just a waste of your testing chemicals...give it a few days in between testing, it will take a little time to grow your beneficial bacteria...
Have just completed a water test.
Ammonia = 1
Nitrite = .25
From what I understand that means it is moving in the right direction. :)

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