75 gal freshwater


Fish Fanatic
Jul 1, 2013
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Starting a 75 gallon build. I will be transfering current stock from my 30 gallon (Dwarf Goirami, Albino BNP, 5 Panda Corys and 5 tetras). I am inheriting a small, 2", Stripped Raphael Catfish.

The tank was given to me. It is brand new, friend got it home and seal was broke. Warranty covered it and he got a new one. I stripped the silicone and resealed the tank. It was in my garage full for 2 weeks to ensure the seal held.

I have had it set up on the house cycling for 2 weeks with just a bit of gravel. Today I grabbed a few plants, see attached photo. I will be adding more gravel in a few days. Currently waiting on new LED system and heaters to arrive.

I will transfer current stock, plants and wood from 30 gallon next weekend.

Plan is to add a pair of German Blue Rams. Not sure what else, will decide later on.


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Oooooooo definitely following this journal! In that tank size you could definitely add to your school of Cories! I have always heard that the larger the school the more interesting the behavior is!
Oooooooo definitely following this journal! In that tank size you could definitely add to your school of Cories! I have always heard that the larger the school the more interesting the behavior
I may increase the school of corirs, want to see how tge Stripped cat does first. I am also considering either some rsinbows or angels, just not sure what direction I want to go yet.
Transfered plants/decor and livestock from 30 gsll over last night.


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Ok so I am going to add a pair of German Blue Rams but am stuck on what I want to finish the tank off.

I am considering a school of barbs, some angels, rainbows or a larger tetra like Congos. One thing for consideration is water flow, I use a sunsun 304b, does about 500 gph, and have a small powerhead at the other end pointed up just to give surface more movement.

Worried this might be too much for angels. Interested in anyones thoughts, a couple pearl white Angels would really pop in this tank.
Ok so I added 3 more Von Rio tetras bringing tge school to 8. Added 5 cherry barbs, will add 3 more once they get some males in. Male German Ram, need to get a female.

Have decided to go with a couple Platinum Angels, just need to find a good source for them.
Ok so I added 3 more Von Rio tetras bringing tge school to 8. Added 5 cherry barbs, will add 3 more once they get some males in. Male German Ram, need to get a female.

Have decided to go with a couple Platinum Angels, just need to find a good source for them.
Awesome! Good choices. :good:
VERY well decorated. Looks like it will be a show tank soon.
Yes, cannot wait for the plants to fill in. I added some flame moss tonight to the rock structure on the right side of the tank.
Been a couple weeks. Plants are growing like crazy, fish are super active and colorful. Still waiting to get a female German Blue Ram to go with my male but LFS has not had one yet. Hyggar light has been great, love tye 24 hour setting, I do wish you could adjust some of the timings for this setting though.


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