Mbuna Condos, concepts for a African Cichlid tank

I been struggling with this project, just can't find my vision. I collected a bunch of rocks and was laying them out, it was not achieving my primary goal of a condo for every Mbuna ie: lots of spots they can dig out a home.

What stuck in my mind was a blob of cement I created to test colors, it broke in half when I drop it. I pick it up and there was a realistic rock face shown below:

View attachment 132397

So my next test was to make a control break using a 2 1/2" thick block of cement. I reinforced half of the block with concrete (added gravel to the mortar) and with fiberglass tape , the other side was just mortar (cement & sand). After curing 24 hours, I clamped it down and gave it a good wack with the hammer and got this:

View attachment 132398

Perfect, it worked! A clean break right down the middle. I am thinking about strata rock formation inspired by the Wave in Coyote Buttes Wilderness area. I have to work on my colors but now I got my vision and direction. The Lake Malawi Biotope natural version is canceled, I'm going for a World Disney version of Lake Malawi with multicolor cliffs rising up and condo space everywhere! What Mbuna would not want a condo in Walt Disney World :rolleyes: Now I am very excited and the weather is nice so I don't have to mix cement in the kitchen when Mrs. Mad is not home. More to come...

May I ask what product was used to color the cement?
May I ask what product was used to color the cement?
Certainly! Quikrete Liquid Cement color, the data sheet says it safe for fish ponds. The pigment is an iron oxide and iron is one of the ingredients of Portland cement, this makes it an permanent integral color.

I need to read up more but after a ~1 week of curing, I may put the blocks in water for a few weeks to flush any residue and for the finally curing. The cement should cure 1 month before putting into a tank.

Please voice any opinion on if it is safe.

Useless trivia time, the cement in Hoover Dam is still curing.
My understanding is that cement will continue to cure indefinitely when submerged, according to an engineer who was working on the Seattle sea wall. Iron oxide appears to be safe. It is aluminium oxide I have to watch out for in the salt water tank.

As an aside note, look up the color "Caput mortum" which is one of my favorite pigments. It has a bit more of an oxblood tone, but could be striking on your rock strata against the colorful fish.
look up the color "Caput mortum" which is one of my favorite pigments. It has a bit more of an oxblood tone
I'd say more donkey blood, but I'm not a farm animal blood color expert. ?
Please voice any opinion on if it is safe.
I build a cement pond in my parents' backyard when I was a kid. Sure, I painted it with pond coat, but I'm fairly confident I didn't do a great job. Still, the thing lasted 20 years - until they took it out last year.
Useless trivia time, the cement in Hoover Dam is still curing.
Just a thumbs up to this one! Also, I don't know how your quotes ended up embedded with an EOP quote box. It's a neat trick that I definitely can't replicate.
Nah, just mummies... :fun:

Haha... It looks like I was just downgraded to one ? Really???!?!?!? Repent, you OGC!!! ;)
Green circle?! What does that mean? Is green lower than other colors? Which color is supreme? Did I downgrade you to the lowly status if green? I am utterly lost in... Perhaps, mbuna condos?
Interesting what I read about cement, the lack of water will hinder the final curing process. So I can solve two problems at once by soaking them for a few weeks after the initially curing phase.

I am color blind, once I even failed a color test for a work physical. But I agree on the Caput mortum which is dark red in my eyes. Current searching for a reasonably prices online source for iron oxide pigments. I currently have buff (WTF is that color name), terra cotta (light red), brown and charcoal. Being a science nerd, the charcoal will be used for the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) boundary layer

I need to use care with additives, I don't think I need a sealer since the cement will always be wet which will show the color better. Not sure about acrylic additives.

I can also add fine gravel to the cement to add tiny dots in the surface but that will also strengthen the joint I want to break, that could be a problem
I build a cement pond in my parents' backyard when I was a kid. Sure, I painted it with pond coat,

I thought about using mixing an acrylic paint (Kyrlon Colormaxx ??) into the cement but this may be a summer project as I make props for our annual halloween haunted hayride (Monster mud). I love google....

Just a review, ~32" (80cm) of my tank will be a peninsula layout viewable from both sides, my vision is a strata formation creating a plateau in this section. So for more inspiration, we have Antelope Canyons:

antelope canyon.jpg

I may be able to make canyon or tunnel structure by casting the cement in wet play sand. One thing I can try, mix a small amount of Portland cement with the casting sand so it hardens enough to keep its shape but can be brushed off before the cement fully cures. Now to go full Disney World, add a Sand waterfall:

sand waterfall.jpg

I need a bigger tank.
Being a science nerd, the charcoal will be used for the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) boundary layer

I need a bigger tank.
Agreed. Much, much bigger! I believe I am what is called an enabler.

If you are thinking about gravel and somewhat rougher surfaces, there is also Canyon Karijini National Park in the Pilbara in Western Australia for inspiration.
Ohh, this is going to be amazing! I am so happy to be following this thread!

One tidbit, when I make certain sculptures I use silicone mats (placemats) to bend and form before pouring the material. It helps with areas where I want it to be smooth. Not that you would want smooth for your strata, but I am full of useless information and it has to go somewhere.

Agreed. Much, much bigger! I believe I am what is called an enabler.
You, my dear, are a bad influence! ;)

BTW, can I please have one of those lantern dudes to keep my gargoyle Thelonious company? :)

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