My Cories Are Spawning Everywhere!

Well, I’ve been taking pics and will add everything later. I think all of my eggs hatched so I cleaned up the foggy ones. Look like I have about 12-15 Cory fry. Hard to count them. I’ve also found 3 cherry barb fry. Hope they all make it. Will add more later.
That is a great idea!

Worked well for @mbsqw1d and I! @mbsqw1d cut the frame down to size to get tights over it, I wanted to try to keep the frame intact but my own tights were too small, so went out and bought an extra large pair and with some real work, managed to get a leg of those over the frame! File and buff your nails first so you don't ladder them ;)
Worked well for @mbsqw1d and I! @mbsqw1d cut the frame down to size to get tights over it, I wanted to try to keep the frame intact but my own tights were too small, so went out and bought an extra large pair and with some real work, managed to get a leg of those over the frame! File and buff your nails first so you don't ladder them ;)
They started hatching the day I was going to get the hose. One day early. I was afraid to try then. I’ve ordered some java moss and I put a moss ball in. I hope they just all get along. Oh, one more egg hatched this morning. I left about 4. Glad I did.
Worked well for @mbsqw1d and I! @mbsqw1d cut the frame down to size to get tights over it...
That's not 100% true... :oops: Since I made the genius decision of positioning the tank in a chimney breast, I have a limited amount of space to work with for getting stuff in/out of the tank :flushem: so.. had to cut it down to fit through the gap! But, i suppose, yeh, the tight/sock thing wouldnt have fit over the full sized frame -_-
That's not 100% true... :oops: Since I made the genius decision of positioning the tank in a chimney breast, I have a limited amount of space to work with for getting stuff in/out of the tank :flushem: so.. had to cut it down to fit through the gap! But, i suppose, yeh, the tight/sock thing wouldnt have fit over the full sized frame -_-
How many times have you rued the day you thought that spot would perfect for a tank?
I few last eggs hatched today. One poor fry is trying so hard. His Egg sac is much larger than his body and he just can’t seem to get moving much. He rolls over. Not sure he’ll make it. Maybe if he eats, his body will grow and his sac will shrink. :(
Not looking good. I may have lost a few out of 75 goldfish fry. I have lost about a dozen Cory fry. I’m doing everything that I’m suppose to but still. Daily water change, watching parameters, feeding twice daily. Just don’t get it. It is what it is.
Sitting here thinking. I know with goldfish, if water is fine then it is usually bacterial. Could the ramshorn that I added have brought something into the tan?. To lose 6 in one day is not normal. My fry food (New Life Spectrum Growth Starter) expires in November of 2021 but was originally opened 2 yeas ago. I chunked it. Opened a new bag of First Bites. Waiting for brine shrimp eggs to get here. I also added a hint of sand to the bottom of my tank. All we can do is all we can do. :)
I have 4 albino and one normal bronze colored fry left that I can see plus about 6 cherry barb fries. I have baby brine shrimp in hatchery waiting to feed the fry.


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Well, the little cuties hide well. I have 6 or 7 albino fry and 2 bronze colored. Eating like little piggies! Fingers crossed.
Well, the little cuties hide well. I have 6 or 7 albino fry and 2 bronze colored. Eating like little piggies! Fingers crossed.
Oh that's awesome!! Heartening to see you have more than you thought! :wub:

Mine blend so well into the sand, and I've had a difficult time getting an accurate head count since they hatched even, I've pretty much given up counting until they get bigger! lol. I was taking each loss so hard, it's almost better not to know how many I have exactly. I feel like I lost a lot, since I thought I counted 12 or 13 on Tuesday, lost one on Wednesday, then could only count seven or eight yesterday. But that many bodies couldn't have vanished, I'd have found them if they'd died when cleaning. So I'm hoping that there's more than I thought, just hard to see in the sand and in a breeder box.

They seem to be a little bigger each day, so I'm just going to do the same, continue feeding, cleaning, keeping the water good, and as long as I see some babies wriggling around, I'm hoping for the best and that some of them make it at least.

As for whether it's bacterial/water etc, I think it would be impossible to tell without lab testing. We can't see what's going on internally, perhaps a decent chunk of them don't develop properly, and that part is out of our hands. I know that the one I lost Wednesday was smaller than the others, he just didn't seem to thrive as well as the bigger ones, despite plenty of food available.
Oh that's awesome!! Heartening to see you have more than you thought! :wub:

Mine blend so well into the sand, and I've had a difficult time getting an accurate head count since they hatched even, I've pretty much given up counting until they get bigger! lol. I was taking each loss so hard, it's almost better not to know how many I have exactly. I feel like I lost a lot, since I thought I counted 12 or 13 on Tuesday, lost one on Wednesday, then could only count seven or eight yesterday. But that many bodies couldn't have vanished, I'd have found them if they'd died when cleaning. So I'm hoping that there's more than I thought, just hard to see in the sand and in a breeder box.

They seem to be a little bigger each day, so I'm just going to do the same, continue feeding, cleaning, keeping the water good, and as long as I see some babies wriggling around, I'm hoping for the best and that some of them make it at least.

As for whether it's bacterial/water etc, I think it would be impossible to tell without lab testing. We can't see what's going on internally, perhaps a decent chunk of them don't develop properly, and that part is out of our hands. I know that the one I lost Wednesday was smaller than the others, he just didn't seem to thrive as well as the bigger ones, despite plenty of food available.
I agree. Some of mine appeared to have too large of a head for the tiny body to support. I was talking to my friend last night who said the same thing about lab testing. I have one that is swimming so fast across the tank now. Amazing as tomorrow is one week for a few of them. I just want to give them the best life I can while they are here. I have been reading and losing Cory fry in large amounts is quite common. They are such hardy fish as they mature so this surprising. Breeders are trying to find better ways to raise the fry and lower the mortality rate. I bet you find more fry. They are good at hiding. :)
I agree. Some of mine appeared to have too large of a head for the tiny body to support. I was talking to my friend last night who said the same thing about lab testing. I have one that is swimming so fast across the tank now. Amazing as tomorrow is one week for a few of them. I just want to give them the best life I can while they are here. I have been reading and losing Cory fry in large amounts is quite common. They are such hardy fish as they mature so this surprising. Breeders are trying to find better ways to raise the fry and lower the mortality rate. I bet you find more fry. They are good at hiding. :)
Ooohh, I'd love to read any articles you find about cory fry having relatively high mortality rates, I haven't delved into it too much yet, but it is disheartening to find more losses (another one of mine isn't as big as the others and seems to be dying, struggling to swim). Today I counted seven that look good, number eight is that weak one that I think will pass soon.

I was trying to think of other animals that have large clutches/litters because many don't make it. Many creatures have large clutches because of predation, but I couldn't think of any that have large amounts because they struggle to develop. Some kind of bacterial involvement causing higher mortality rates could make sense, if having this many losses is a common experience when people breed cories. I've never had mortality rates like this with guppy fry, but I know they're more developed by the time they're born.

Glad your cherry barb fry are thriving though!
Ooohh, I'd love to read any articles you find about cory fry having relatively high mortality rates, I haven't delved into it too much yet, but it is disheartening to find more losses (another one of mine isn't as big as the others and seems to be dying, struggling to swim). Today I counted seven that look good, number eight is that weak one that I think will pass soon.

I was trying to think of other animals that have large clutches/litters because many don't make it. Many creatures have large clutches because of predation, but I couldn't think of any that have large amounts because they struggle to develop. Some kind of bacterial involvement causing higher mortality rates could make sense, if having this many losses is a common experience when people breed cories. I've never had mortality rates like this with guppy fry, but I know they're more developed by the time they're born.

Glad your cherry barb fry are thriving though!
I’ve just been doing searches but will get URL’s for further ones.
Don't want to come across at all boastful, but all the ones of mine that hatched still appear to be going (11) ! I am counting myself lucky and they're a long way off adulthood yet. Perhaps Peppered are more hardy? Or my water supply is more ideal?
They've been in the main tank and just kept to the usual 60-70% weekly water change. Been feeding egg yolk strained through cloth, 'Hikari First Bites' and 'Ocean Nutrition Instant Baby Brine Shrimp'.
Added a pond snail to the breeder box/net today to help clean up. I just suck out any snail poop now and recycle the sand.

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