Hand Sanitisers & Aquariums?

Can anyone find out exactly what industrial hand sanitizers are and what is in them. I thought hand sanitizers were hand sanitizers. After all, you would have to be careful in a shop with kids using them and people possibly with skin conditions using them.
Added some fresh sand to help with the barbels, but still hanging on



Can anyone find out exactly what industrial hand sanitizers are and what is in them. I thought hand sanitizers were hand sanitizers. After all, you would have to be careful in a shop with kids using them and people possibly with skin conditions using them.
There are many kinds here and each store uses different kinds. Some smell super strongly of alcohol, some are more liquid based, some are foams. We visited several stores that day.
If anyone works in a place that uses these industrial ones, it would be helpful to check the brand or ingredients if you can and are able to share it (some workplaces this can be a no-no).

Maybe we can get a general idea of what is a potential problem.
If anyone works in a place that uses these industrial ones, it would be helpful to check the brand or ingredients if you can and are able to share it (some workplaces this can be a no-no).

Maybe we can get a general idea of what is a potential problem.
Can you go back and visit the stores that you were in and explain what happened, and see if they are helpful
FDA list of recalled hand sanitizer brands.. many contain methanol which is toxic

FDA list of recalled hand sanitizer brands.. many contain methanol which is toxic
View attachment 120552
Now I'm over in Canada, so ive gotta wonder as that seems to be more directed at USA. Though I think we'd get similar products
As mentioned above there are hand sanitisers that are approved for use that do not use alcohol as the main biocide. One of these is highly toxic to fish, another is found in mouth wash.

There are also ones that only use "essential oils" and no chemicals at all, might as well carry a piece of rose quartz imho.......
As mentioned above there are hand sanitisers that are approved for use that do not use alcohol as the main biocide. One of these is highly toxic to fish, another is found in mouth wash.

There are also ones that only use "essential oils" and no chemicals at all, might as well carry a piece of rose quartz imho.......
I'll start using the rose quartz, its inert so it won't affect my tanks :p

But in all seriousness, yeah ive seen soooo many different kinds in use.
we did some errands at the mall, you have the entrance way sanitizers and then every store makes you do it again too with their own choice of sanitizer. May as well just been a chemical cocktail.

Canada has a list of approved sanitisers, and it was a Canadian site I got my information from as it seemed more pertinent to you situation.
Oh I meant the recalled sanitizers posted above
Oh I meant the recalled sanitizers posted above
Probably exists, but the list seemed to be an "only these are safe" type of list.

If you can get isopropyl alcohol and aloe Vera you can make your own.

Or just buy a bottle of gin and have a drink, you probably need it after all this .......
CDC recommended that sanitizer contain at least 60% of a proper nontoxic type of alcohol such as isopropyl alcohol
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