Help required please


New Member
Oct 17, 2020
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I have an adult male angelfish which is about 2.5years old. Recently he has these 3 bony looking protrusions on both sides of his head ( all 3 mirror image on each side). Can anyone please tell me what they are and if I should be worried about them?


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That looks fungal to me. What are your water parameter results, how often do you change the water and how much do you change? Have you added any new fish in with them?
Thanks. He’s been in his tank with 2 female guppy since I lost the female about a year ago. I usually top up his tank and only change a third tank water when I clean the gravel ( approx bi-monthly). I’ve seen parasites before which don’t usually look so ‘clean’, hence, I described it as bony rather than wooly perhaps I should just treat them as parasites but he likes his tank and not the bucket!
Other than his head, there’s nothing else anywhere ... he’s the most beautiful boy!


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Yes, I think they maybe white spots now ... it has a 4th spot now ... still in a row so I am treating it for white spots to see how he goes.
Thank you for all your help.
It's hole in the head disease or head and lateral line disease (same thing).

It's caused by a dirty environment that allows hexamita to infect the fish.

Cleaning the tank conditions up (big daily water changes and gravel cleaning for a week, clean the filter, wipe the glass down) will usually help a bit.

Adding some salt (2 heaped tbalespoons of rock salt for every 20 litres of water) can help.

If there's no improvement after a week with salt and big daily water changes, then use Metronidazole.
Thank you Colin_T for your diagnosis and advice. Guess I’d been lucky to have enjoyed this angel fish for two and a half years and i believe it was only the last major clean up and water change that brought about this hole in the head disease ... sadly, it did not survive the 6 Tsp rock salt I put into its 60ltr tank.
Thanks again for trying to help.

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