Oxygen levels in tank.


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Sep 21, 2020
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Hi guys, I’ve recently became quite interested in Asian fighting fish and two and a half months ago I had purchased 5 female bettas (they are all sisters). My bettas are currently in a 40 litre tank with a heater, a good filter and a good air pump. There are also 10 glowlight tetras in the tank alongside them. I’ve recently notice my bettas coming to the surface for air two or three times a day. Every two to three weeks I replace around 1/5 of the water and the air pump is constantly running. Is this normal behavior because I am worried there may not be enough oxygen in my tank. Thank you. Also if anyone has has any tips for me to improve they would very appreciated.
Bettas coming to the surface is normal, in fact, I'm sure my male does that a few times an hour! (the water parameters are fine and checked reguarly)
What are the results of your water tests for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates.
What are the results of your water tests for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates.
I done a strip test tismorning nitrates 0 mg/l, nitrites 0.35 mg/l and ammonia levels were 0. I’ve also heard that strip tests can be inaccurate would you agree, should I be testing a different way?
Are you just adding water on top because of evaporation, or removing water and then adding?
Either way I would recommend doing larger and more frequent water changes. Also, if you dont have one you will need to get a gravel vacuum and use that, too!
Are you just adding water on top because of evaporation, or removing water and then adding?
I use a gravel vacuum and I’ve been removing water then adding. Thank you for the tip on more frequent water changes!
Great you have a gravel vacuum, but still you should do larger and more frequent changes. If you don't, over a short period of time the quality of the water will suffer.
Best to start your new regime now! ☆
Are the tetras in with the female bettas?

I've always wanted a female betta sorority, do you have any pictures?
Great you have a gravel vacuum, but still you should do larger and more frequent changes. If you don't, over a short period of time the quality of the water will suffer.
Best to start your new regime now! ☆
Are the tetras in with the female bettas?

I've always wanted a female betta sorority, do you have any pictures?

yes the tetras are in with the bettas, I was unsure at first whether or not they would get along but they are perfectly fine together. I have lots of photos! They don’t stay together much usually they are off doing their own thing so it’s quite hard to get a group photo.


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Most of us change at least half the water every week.

Whenever there is a reading of ammonia or nitrite above zero, it needs a water change immediately. Nitrite binds to the blood cells and stops them carrying oxygen to the body.

I do need to warn you that 5 female bettas and 10 glowlight tetras in 40 litres is overstocked and you could well have problems with water quality because of this coupled with the lack of water changes.
Most of us change at least half the water every week.

Whenever there is a reading of ammonia or nitrite above zero, it needs a water change immediately. Nitrite binds to the blood cells and stops them carrying oxygen to the body.

I do need to warn you that 5 female bettas and 10 glowlight tetras in 40 litres is overstocked and you could well have problems with water quality because of this coupled with the lack of water changes.

thank you for the information I really appreciate it, what size tank would you recommend I upgrade to?
A 60 litre, 60 cm long tank is usually regarded as the smallest for a betta sorority. The same size is also the minimum for glowlight tetras. But bigger is always better.
Sweet little sisters! I love them.

Those tetra are good looking I hope you can get a bigger or different tanks for each.
10 of those in their own tank would be stunning!
I have 14 glow light tetras in my 55 gallon tank, they do like to swim in their shoal and extra room is always nice for them.
I am going to put up a post later about vacumming gravel. The main reasons not to. Keep an eye out for it you may find it interesting

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