New Member
I set up my 20 gallon tall tank about a month and a half ago, using top fin quickstart and top fin water conditioner to get the party started. I waited two days, then tested the water before going and picking out 5 guppies, three cory catfish, and two snails. A few days later, I went back and got five neon tetras. The neon tetras were getting caught in the filter and all of them eventually died, so I thought maybe I just got some weak fish and those were too small for my aquarium. I decided to get five serpae tetras instead. After adding this second batch of tetras, I noticed one catfish missing. I didn't really pay any mind since they like to hide. But another week or so later, I realized there was only one catfish visibly swimming around and after doing water changes, I couldn't find the other two. I've been testing the water intermittedly using the API test strips and there never seemed to be a problem. I use the site aqadvisor.com to make sure I'm not overstocked and to see the overall parameters for my fish. As more time went by, I noticed my serpae tetras disappearing as well. Now I have four guppies, one tetra, and my snail. I also have a bubbler in my tank that creates a large layer of bubbles over the top of the water, and I read that this could be from excess protein in the water. They are clear bubbles that don't smell, they just don't pop as they should. Although the bubbler was a later addition to the tank, I am wondering if maybe it gives some indication to what is wrong. After testing the water just now, the readings are PH: 6.3 Nitrate: 0 Nitrite: 1 KH: 90 GH: 60. I know that my PH is a little low and the Nitrites are a little high, but I have been wary of adding any of the Top fin stuff because I've heard it can do more harm than good. I don't want to keep killing my fish, and they all seem very happy in their environment, but I don't know what to do and I don't know what it actually killing them. Please help!