Come share your pictures with me and my friend

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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    0 about a 29??? possiblly mine??? HAHA :rofl: Come on lets say uh 35 dollarw( i need the money!!) Or you can buy the 55 at wal-mart...It comes with a hood, lights(i think), filter and other accesories PLUS A STAND for like 200 dollars! :) :blink: :D :hey:
Most people have seen this but yeah..


  • 000_0238.JPG
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:) That's a great pic Vip!

hill_billy0143: A 29 gallon tank would be a good size. In fact, my first tank was my 29 gallon bow front. The first fish I kept in it were two male guppies. Unfortunately, I didn't know I had to cycle the tank and they both died. It's 18 inches deep, so I need some tall plants in it. :thumbs:
Well ive got bigger plans ahead of me before I can redisign this tank. So lets work on adding more pics or working on hill_billy0143's tank! :D -_- :rolleyes:

So lets see....

guppies...............(including BIG MAMA & BETTY)(around 15)
.......Head and Tail Light Tetra.(2)
.......Painted Tetra..................(2)
.......Common Plecostomus.....(1)

are your fish right..and i think you said you also had some little danios and head&tailight tetra right?

So your pretty set on guppies...maybe add some pretty ones. I would get some back skirt tetra to go with the painted ones(thier the same species right???) And trade those little danios for some more head&tailight tetra. Ummm...maybe get a school of corydoras aenus( maybe 6...2 of each:bronze, albino, and peru stripe)
Maye you could get a bristlenose plecostomus...they eat tenX more algae than plecostomus and are like way smaller. Then you could get like platys and swordtails....and maybe some mollies!!! :D :D :dunno: ;) :p :hey: :hey:
:thumbs: Here's my young male guppy, Apollo. This was him at the age of 4 months.


  • Apollo.JPG
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:) Apollo at 5 months, just after I moved him into my main tank. This is a blurry picture, but it shows his colors. :rolleyes:


  • Apollo.JPG
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:D Here he is at 7 months. His tail really developed with great color! :wub:


  • Young_Guppy.JPG
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:) This is Apollo's sister. She's 7 months old and has her mother's tail colors. She's been pregnant twice, but none of her fry survived. :(


  • Female_Guppy.JPG
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WoW! Those look really awesome! I have a female almost exactly like Apollo's sister! :D :D :hey:
Hi hill_billy0143 :)

You and stubby0143 have made a most excellent thread here. :thumbs:

Right now it has 145 posts and a total of 1755 views. I hope people continue to post pics and share your pleasant conversation. :D
wow, thanks inchworm! Anyone is allowed to post some of their pictures here for anyone else to enjoy so please go ahed!!! :p :hey:

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