My first tank


New Member
Jun 25, 2020
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Pretty fish!

How big is your tank, what is the stock?
182l I have 2 kribs 8 guppies 7 platys 2 yo-yo loaches and 4 dwarf gourami
I would rethink your stock...

First, YoYo Loaches need to be in groups of 6 or more. (So I suggest getting more) Also, I dont think your tank is big enough. (Here is their care sheet: botia-almorhae)

What is your GH? If it is in the range, I see no issue with your other stock - all of their GH's are in the same range. (poecilia-reticulata)
I would rethink your stock...

First, YoYo Loaches need to be in groups of 6 or more. (So I suggest getting more) Also, I dont think your tank is big enough. (Here is their care sheet: botia-almorhae)

What is your GH? If it is in the range, I see no issue with your other stock - all of their GH's are in the same range. (poecilia-reticulata)

I disagree, although they can be rather boisterous they should do fine in that size tank but then again you may be right and they could pose an issue when older. All those fish can adapt well to hard water so I wouldn't worry about that at all, most kribs will breed in those parameters no problems.
I disagree, although they can be rather boisterous they should do fine in that size tank but then again you may be right and they could pose an issue when older. All those fish can adapt well to hard water so I wouldn't worry about that at all, most kribs will breed in those parameters no problems.
I'm sorry, but I disagree with you and I agree with @PheonixKingZ .
Yo yo loaches need bigger tank than you are offering as they are quite active fish, loaches are soft water.
Guppies are hard water fish, not softwater.
4 gouramis is too much for that size of tank and they are notorious carriers of DGD, aka Iridovirus and they are prone to diseases more than and other fish. 1 gourami per tank should be kept ideally.
You're wrong, fish will surely adapt, but will have shorter life span and yo yo loaches will not be fine.
If you could think more about your fish's needs more than your own needs, your fish would be much happier.
Please look at .
Loaches, in general, aren't necessarily a fish that can thrive in just soft water. A majority of the loach species that I looked up at SeriouslyFish said that they can adapt a water hardness of around 36-215 ppm. That means that they can adapt and thrive to both soft and hard water.
Loaches, in general, aren't necessarily a fish that can thrive in just soft water. A majority of the loach species that I looked up at SeriouslyFish said that they can adapt a water hardness of around 36-215 ppm. That means that they can adapt and thrive to both soft and hard water.
What about kuhlis?

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