Breeding CPD


Fish Fanatic
Sep 8, 2018
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Changed my mind for my 9gal,
Decided on some CPD, obviously they are a newly discovered fish and I noticed they are quite pricey, if I got 5-6 to start and then bred them, got the numbers up to 10-12 and sold the rest to the pet shops would that be an option?
If yes, how do you breed them, do you need to seperate males and females? Different tanks? Are they easy to breed or not?
Appreciate any advice.
Thank you,
Also I want to learn about everything about fish, like how to tell what sickness they have etc and any other things that I should know.
I just want to be knowledgeable enough to be able to help people out on the forums,
I’ve only been in the hobby for 18 months and I absolutely love it, think I’ve got MTS though...

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Celestial pearl danios are not the easiest of danios to breed
The way I spawn them was to put three pairs in a species only tank with plenty of plants and a good quality flake food and fed small live foods however I didn't get a large number of fry./

I find the best way to spawn most danio species is to separate male and female for at least a week or two and feed them plenty of food . to get any fish in best breeding conditions live food is a must

Set up fish tank with two layers of marbles with a depth of 4 to 6 inches of water place a pair in the tank best in the evening just before you turn the light off . usually spawn within 24-48 hours adults should then be moved
the difficult part is feeding the Fry I feed boiled egg yolk, liquefy number 1 for egg layers will be far safer to use. care must be taking when feeding it is so easy to pollute the water
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Celestial pearl danios are not the easiest of danios to breed
The way I spawn them was to put three pairs in a species only tank with plenty of plants and a good quality flake food and fed small live foods however I didn't get a large number of fry./

I find the best way to spawn most danio species is to separate male and female for at least a week or two and feed them plenty of food . to get any fish in best breeding conditions live food is a must

Set up fish tank with two layers of marbles with a depth of 4 to 6 inches of water place a pair in the tank best in the evening just before you turn the light off . usually spawn within 24-48 hours adults should then be moved
the difficult part is feeding the Fry I feed boiled egg yolk, liquefy number 1 for egg layers will be far safer to use. care must be taking when feeding it is so easy to pollute the water

Ok thank you very much, I watched a video and he seperate

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You don't want to separate sexes for any more than 7 days because females can become egg bound. Most fish will breed readily after being separated for 4-5 days.

Feed the adult fish 3-5 times per day for at least 2 (preferably 4) weeks before breeding them. This allows the fish to develop good quality gametes (eggs & sperm) and you get more young and healthier young.

The following link has information about culturing food for baby fish. It takes about a month to get green water or infusoria so start cultures before you start breeding. I used to start cultures when I start conditioning the adults so there is food for the young as soon as they hatch.
I was medical in USAF so I always see CPD and think chronic pulmonary disease. Confuses me for a a split second every time. Wish you success on breeding CPD!
They spawn quite readily but be aware the new fish may be in fairly poor condition and skinny. They may also be immature - so best to wait a few weeks or months. They seem to spawn more in slighly acidic water. If you have nothing else in the tank and plant it heavily you may get some, but as @fish48 says they aren't prolific breeders. They will also eat the eggs and probably the new fry if they get half a chance. As there is nothing else in the tank it may be worth putting a bowl of marbles in their tank with a spawning mop above it.

Hopefully you have figured out the marbles are an ideal place to collect the eggs without the parents being able to get in there to eat them. Unfortunately its also a great place for organic waste to get trapped and build up so you don't want to use it as a substrate in your main tank for any length of time - but in a bowl may be worth a go. I have had a few appear in my tank without doing anything, but it is only a very few (but I have shrimp and they love the eggs).
I was medical in USAF so I always see CPD and think chronic pulmonary disease. Confuses me for a a split second every time. Wish you success on breeding CPD!

Whoops! Sorry about that [emoji23][emoji23]
Thank you :)

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They spawn quite readily but be aware the new fish may be in fairly poor condition and skinny. They may also be immature - so best to wait a few weeks or months. They seem to spawn more in slighly acidic water. If you have nothing else in the tank and plant it heavily you may get some, but as @fish48 says they aren't prolific breeders. They will also eat the eggs and probably the new fry if they get half a chance. As there is nothing else in the tank it may be worth putting a bowl of marbles in their tank with a spawning mop above it.

Hopefully you have figured out the marbles are an ideal place to collect the eggs without the parents being able to get in there to eat them. Unfortunately its also a great place for organic waste to get trapped and build up so you don't want to use it as a substrate in your main tank for any length of time - but in a bowl may be worth a go. I have had a few appear in my tank without doing anything, but it is only a very few (but I have shrimp and they love the eggs).

It will be a species only tank for a while, with possible some embers to come in like 6-7 months time, I really like that idea of the cup, will definitely use that, then I can put the eggs/ fry into a seperate tank with the inforsia.
also, do they breed in fontanalis or do they prefer java moss/ breeding mop? Cheers
also, do they breed in fontanalis or do they prefer java moss/ breeding mop?
I honesty don't know. I only have watersprite and vals in my tank. I do want to try to breed mine in October and am planning to just make a couple of mops out of green wool
Recently my CPD's starting spawning in my community tank. The males develop a spectacular orange band from the dorsal to the top of the head. The males shimmy trying to display that brightly colored band and chase after the females like crazy. There is so much action its almost impossible to get good focussed pictures. I tried to get one of the males and a female this morning, and noticed eggs all over one of my sponge filters. Seems they are not too particular about breeding requirements.
Good Luck with your project !

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