Suggestions for Danio tank mates

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Fish Fanatic
Feb 20, 2020
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I've had my Fluval Flex (57litre) up and running for a while now, with 6 Danio's (3x zebra and 3x leopard) and I'm loving it and the Danio's.

It's my first tank so I still feel I have a lot to learn, and I have noticed that you seem to get different advice from almost everyone in regard to what fish mix well with other fish etc which can make it somewhat confusing and hard with what advice to follow.

With the help of some members at this forum, my fish tank seems to be fully cycled.
I've been getting 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrate and 10-20ppm Nitrite readings and have been getting those same results every week for almost two months now, whilst doing a weekly partial water change and some cleaning.

In the coming weeks it would be nice to add a few new tank mates in with our danio's, and originally we wanted some guppies to go with them however apparently danio's may go for the longish tails/fins on those?

Obviously I don't want to overload the tank either, so any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.

Other info:
Our water is quite hard (8.2ph)
Temperature is 24-25/c
No real plants (aside from some moss balls)
Substrate is gravel stones
A pH of 8.2 is basic (as opposed to acidic if below 7.0) but we need to know the GH to determine the actual hardness. While waiting for that number...

I assume you got nitrite and nitrate reversed; hopefully it is nitrite 0 and nitrate 10-20ppm.

A successful community aquarium (meaning one with more than one fish species) has a number of factors. The fish must have basically the same requirements. Water parameters (GH, pH and temperature), aquascaping (providing what they expect from their habitat), water current (some fish need more, some hardly any), and of course compatibility. Activity level is often ignored, bnut this is a significant factor to fish health; sedate fish (gourami, cichlids, some shoaling fish species) cannot be housed with very active swimming fish (danios, most barbs, some tetras).

Tank size is a crucial factor too, as the active fish need more space than the sedate, all else being equal. You have six danios in a 57 liter (15 gallon) tank, so there is basically no space left considering the active swimming behaviour of danios. Assuming this is a 24-inch (60 cm) length standard 15g tank, I wuldnot add any more upper fish, though two or three more danios would not hurt.
I have danios in with lyretail guppies and don't have problems with nipping. However, in the beginning, when my 55 was understocked, I had a male danio establish territory. A few more friends and a rearranged tank solved the problem.
Ya danios are fin nippers but they are one of my favorite fish because they breed every single day no joke.
A pH of 8.2 is basic (as opposed to acidic if below 7.0) but we need to know the GH to determine the actual hardness. While waiting for that number...

I assume you got nitrite and nitrate reversed; hopefully it is nitrite 0 and nitrate 10-20ppm.

A successful community aquarium (meaning one with more than one fish species) has a number of factors. The fish must have basically the same requirements. Water parameters (GH, pH and temperature), aquascaping (providing what they expect from their habitat), water current (some fish need more, some hardly any), and of course compatibility. Activity level is often ignored, bnut this is a significant factor to fish health; sedate fish (gourami, cichlids, some shoaling fish species) cannot be housed with very active swimming fish (danios, most barbs, some tetras).

Tank size is a crucial factor too, as the active fish need more space than the sedate, all else being equal. You have six danios in a 57 liter (15 gallon) tank, so there is basically no space left considering the active swimming behaviour of danios. Assuming this is a 24-inch (60 cm) length standard 15g tank, I wuldnot add any more upper fish, though two or three more danios would not hurt.

I'm not sure about GH, here is the full details of my area's water info from the supplier website:
Screenshot_2020-06-06 Public Water Supply Zone Information.png

I realise the danio's are rather active, which I think is one of the reasons I do like them a lot.

Our danio's seem to like exploring all parts of the tank rather than just sticking mostly to the top.
The size of the tank is 41(H)x39(W)x39(D)cm according to Fluval's website.
Seeing your chart of hardness, livebearers would thrive. Maybe a trio of male endler guppies and leave it at that. Watch how they are, if the danios give them a hard time, you could always get another tank :whistle:

Your water is too hard for bottom dwellers like cories or loaches, and tank space makes it more difficult.
Here’s an up to date picture of the tank just in case the amount of ornaments/plants I have makes much difference.
I have never realley liked the zebra danios because they are kind of bland but I have the longfin leopard danios which are my favorite type of danio and I love how the males are gold. I highly recommend getting some.
Given the parameters (GH especially) and the lovely aquascape, I would add a few more danios, whether zebra or leopard; the leopard danio, sometimes seen under the name Danio frankei, is probably a man-made colour morph variation of the Zebra Danio (Brachydanio rerio); most authorities agree that this variant has not been found in nature. You could have a nice active tank with a few more.
The leopards are gorgeous!

I had danios, but i rehomed them because they were eating themselves sick with my other tankmates. They dont do well with slower feeders because they snatch up food fast.

But i loved them. Theyd nibble my hands when doing water changes and would eat from my hands too.

I had a gold leopard longfin female, she was my favourite of them.

But given my experience with these pretty awesome fun fish, they do best on their own because of their own speed and gluttony.
But given my experience with these pretty awesome fun fish, they do best on their own because of their own speed and gluttony.
They are guttons, and fast at it, that is for sure!!! I had Zebra Danios in the past and they would eat ALL of the food before any other fish in the tank could even blink an eye!! :D lol.... I had to feed them at one end of the tank and then make sure to put some food at the other end and make sure it was getting down towards the middle/bottom of the tank for all of the other fish .
Tank size is a crucial factor too, as the active fish need more space than the sedate, all else being equal. You have six danios in a 57 liter (15 gallon) tank, so there is basically no space left considering the active swimming behaviour of danios. Assuming this is a 24-inch (60 cm) length standard 15g tank, I wuldnot add any more upper fish, though two or three more danios would not hurt.
The Flex is almost a cube. The 57 litre version is 41 cm long x 39 cm wide x 39 cm high (16 x 15 x 15 inches)
When you have fast fish? Its best to avoid slow eaters with them. I know the stereotype aquarium has the Danio's above and slow Angels in the middle and bottom feeders below all like Corydoras. Well,let me tell you,fast fish will make you overfeed to get food to the slow fish. Not healthy. Just advise.
Now,what to keep with them? In that size tank,Dwarf Rainbowfish would do great.
Thanks everyone, so it seems more danio's is the only recommendation for more fish.

I like the look of those long finned variety so may see if I can find any of those for sale, or I may end up just keeping the six we already have.

I'm a bit undecided still if I'm honest with what to do as I would've liked one or two different fish, but it seems most of those that would suit the danio's have to be in schools of 6+ so obviously too many for the tank.

I loved the look of the galaxy rasbora's back when I was first looking at what fish to get but I suppose they're out of the question with my set up.

EDIT: Another fish I remember liking was the dwarf gourami's, are they out too? :fish:

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