Gotcha. Will do! Thanks again. @Byron I’d like to add some more plants. Water cabbage is floating. I have Java, swords, anubias, and anacharis. Any other easy plants that you could suggest?
Those two bushy-type plants at the back, on either side of the stem plant...are they Java Fern? Thought at first they might be Echinodorus (swords), but they seem to have a rhizome more like JF than Echinodorus (which does have a rhizome but usually not long and more thick). If they are JF, and the rhizome is not buried, fine, but another easy plant would be a species of Amazon sword. One as a speciment plant if it is a species that gets large, or a group of three, up to you. Be careful not to lose too much more substrate area though, if you have cories; there is good open sand areas now for a group of 15-25 cories.
More floaters, or as they grow across will be OK.