55 Gallon Rebuild

Gotcha. Will do! Thanks again. @Byron I’d like to add some more plants. Water cabbage is floating. I have Java, swords, anubias, and anacharis. Any other easy plants that you could suggest?

Those two bushy-type plants at the back, on either side of the stem plant...are they Java Fern? Thought at first they might be Echinodorus (swords), but they seem to have a rhizome more like JF than Echinodorus (which does have a rhizome but usually not long and more thick). If they are JF, and the rhizome is not buried, fine, but another easy plant would be a species of Amazon sword. One as a speciment plant if it is a species that gets large, or a group of three, up to you. Be careful not to lose too much more substrate area though, if you have cories; there is good open sand areas now for a group of 15-25 cories.

More floaters, or as they grow across will be OK.
OK. Yes, those are java fern and I didn’t cover all of the rhizome. I’ll hold off on anything else. Thanks! :)
Here are pics of my new albino cories and neon tetras in QT tanks. Albinos still floating in bag at time. Almost finished with tank. Getting close to showing you guys!


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I just came back from the LFS they finally had my water sprite I had orders weeks ago and to celebrate I picked out some more neon tetra too. Restocking my neon shoal. The LFS actually had a large shipment of fish come in so many of their almost empty tanks are filling up. :good:
I have it nice and clear now. Still waiting for fish and plants. Rest is set up. A current pic is below. Waiting for plants to come in and fish. Will take a final pic when complete.
@Retired Viking , @Byron, @Colin_T ...I have ordered 16 neon tetras but I imagine I will need to put them in my 29G community tank for a while with my other neons until the 50G is more established. How long should I wait? I read neons can die in a newly set up tank. I seeded with used sponges. Am I looking at a couple weeks or months? If it’s months, can I add my Cory cats to keep the bacteria fed or are they sensitive to new tanks too. Suggestions?View attachment 102228
I like your tank...but also your stockpile of TP!
I just came back from the LFS they finally had my water sprite I had orders weeks ago and to celebrate I picked out some more neon tetra too. Restocking my neon shoal. The LFS actually had a large shipment of fish come in so many of their almost empty tanks are filling up. :good:
Hope our area starts getting fish back in soon. This shipping is killing me.
I can imagine, l was looking on line too and was shocked at some of the shipping charges. I would say my LFS is stocked to about 50-60% of what he use to carry. When I was there before today he was like 25% or so as far as fish were concerned.

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