Betta Depression?

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Mar 23, 2020
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Independence WI
Hello! I just cleaned out my Betta fish tank and he seems to be acting really different. Sits in one spot for a long period of time and seems like he isn't breathing then he will move to a new spot and do it again. He doesn't move when I go over by him or try to get his attention. Why is this? Please help!
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Can we get a picture of him and what are your water parameters? Is his tank heated and what size is it?


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That’s his biggest issue then. He needs at least a 5 gallon tank with a heater. Cool water will make a betta very sluggish. They need a temp of about 80F.
Here are my 10 commandments of betta keeping
1. Thou shalt have a heater
2. Thou shalt have a tank no smaller than 5.5
3. Thou shalt have live or silk plants
4. Thou shalt have proper water parameters
5. Thou shalt use tannins
6. Thou shalt have some kind of water aeration
7. Thou shalt not follow pet store employees advice on bettas
8. Thou shalt do 50% water change per week
9. Thou shalt not keep bettas in bowls
10. Thou shalt have the temperature at 78 F or more
Here are my 10 commandments of betta keeping
1. Thou shalt have a heater
2. Thou shalt have a tank no smaller than 5.5
3. Thou shalt have live or silk plants
4. Thou shalt have proper water parameters
5. Thou shalt use tannins
6. Thou shalt have some kind of water aeration
7. Thou shalt not follow pet store employees advice on bettas
8. Thou shalt do 50% water change per week
9. Thou shalt not keep bettas in bowls
10. Thou shalt have the temperature at 78 F or more
Pretty much nailed it!
commandment 5 and 6 are not necessary.
5) Common Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens) has been bred in water without tannins for over 50 years. They don't need it.

6) Bettas are Labyrinth fishes that can breath air from the atmosphere or take in oxygen through the water. They evolved to live in water with low oxygen levels.

Is the fish still eating?

Did you remove the fish from the bowl and wash it all out?
If yes, did you use any cleaning products or a sponge from the sink?

Did you dechlorinate the new water before putting it in the bowl?

You shouldn't do a complete water change unless the fish is sick or there is something in the water. A 50-75% water change done several times a week is normally sufficient to keep the water clean and helps reduce the stress associated with a complete water change.
Any new water should be free of chlorine/ chloramine before it's added to the tank otherwise the chlorine/ chloramine can poison the fish.

If you use a sponge to wipe the inside of the bowl, make sure it is free of soap and other chemicals. If it's a new sponge, wash it with warm water and a bit of washing up liquid, then rinse really well to make sure there is no soap/ detergent left on/ in it. Use that sponge specifically for the fish and not for anything else.

If the temperature has been fine for the last few months it is not the issue.
Not necessary yeh but I’m saying that they like it when they do! My bettas love when I put a leaf in the tank and I’m referring to Diana Walstads book in which she talks about using floating plants for water aeration
commandment 5 and 6 are not necessary.
5) Common Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens) has been bred in water without tannins for over 50 years. They don't need it.

6) Bettas are Labyrinth fishes that can breath air from the atmosphere or take in oxygen through the water. They evolved to live in water with low oxygen levels.

Is the fish still eating?

Did you remove the fish from the bowl and wash it all out?
If yes, did you use any cleaning products or a sponge from the sink?

Did you dechlorinate the new water before putting it in the bowl?

You shouldn't do a complete water change unless the fish is sick or there is something in the water. A 50-75% water change done several times a week is normally sufficient to keep the water clean and helps reduce the stress associated with a complete water change.
Any new water should be free of chlorine/ chloramine before it's added to the tank otherwise the chlorine/ chloramine can poison the fish.

If you use a sponge to wipe the inside of the bowl, make sure it is free of soap and other chemicals. If it's a new sponge, wash it with warm water and a bit of washing up liquid, then rinse really well to make sure there is no soap/ detergent left on/ in it. Use that sponge specifically for the fish and not for anything else.

If the temperature has been fine for the last few months it is not the issue.
I did notice this morning he is acting normal again so I think it was just because I did a complete water change, so thank you!

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