Newbie Alert! Advice required please!

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Fish Fanatic
Mar 7, 2020
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United Kingdom
Hi, completely new to this forum and the hobbie for that matter! ^_^ To say iv had a rough start would be an understatement! Without going into boring details i had to start over with my tank because of conflicting advice from an inexperienced fish store and hopeless staff who quite frankly didn't seem to have a clue about fish or their needs! Anyway long story short, i have a 25L tank and was told i can have maximum of 12 Neon Tetra's in there eventually as well as some shrimp in 4-6 weeks when the tank has properly cycled. I bought 6 Neon Tetra's last Thursday (27th Feb) as i was told this was a good number to start and if all was ok then to return the following week and buy 6 more. Because of what happened to me last time i became paranoid about ammonia and started testing every day. The first day of having the fish the guy at the shop told me to add in quick start while the fish were floating in the bag getting used to the tank before popping them in. The next day i tested the ammo and i started to see a tiny increase (if any :confused:) around the pad on the test strip. My paranoia set in and i then went back to the shop to ask the guy how i can keep ammo levels from increasing quickly and he sold me a little box of Stop Ammo vials, there was 6 in the pack. He told me i wouldn't need to add one of these the day after putting the start up in as it would do its job but if i wanted to use these then 1 vial a week in my 25L tank should make sure the ammo levels don't rise to dangerous levels. He also added that i can't overdose the fish on these vials :| Now, me being me paranoid as ever decided to put one in nearly every other day with the words 'you can't overdose the fish' fresh in my mind because when i was testing the water it never said 0 ammo, it was always 0.5 on the strip test so i thought i was doing a good thing by not letting them rise any further! Safe to say the 6 vials in the box was gone within 7 days. Now getting to the point of the story... My Neons started acting aggressive towards each other 4 days ago! (3rd March) Not swimming together, chasing each other/fighting a hell of a lot! It was strange behaviour compared to how they first were when introduced to the tank so i rang the shop this morning and explained what was going on and that my ammo levels didn't seem to be returning back to zero yet even though i had used a full box of ammo stoppers within a week and the start up when buying the fish! I told her they weren't gasping for air and were all eating fine but when i mentioned the fighting/being aggressive she said it wasn't normal behaviour and to bring in a water sample ASAP. Now i had done an ammo test in the morning on the strip and it was still showing between 0.5 or so it looked to me. I haven't been keeping a close eye on my nitrate and nitrite levels as much as ammo becausei had read somewhere that low ammo levels meant low nitrate/nitrite etc so i didn't think to check those before taking my sample to the shop. I did check it a few times though during this week and every time i did it read between 0-20 on nitrate and 0-0.5 on nitrite on the strip test. Now this must of gone through the roof over the next couple of days of me testing as when i got to the shop my water sample (which they did with the liquid test kit) showed up dark pink on my nitrite!!!! So really dangerous levels and 0.2 on the ammo test which she said was fine and no cause for concern. She put my high nitrite levels down to over dosing the fish on the ammo stoppers! ???? Now i didn't like to say well the shop owner told me i couldn't overdose my fish on the ammo stoppers incase i made myself look daft and he didn't actually anticipate me using them within 7 days! I have not overfed them based on the fact they told me they literally need a tiny pinch of pallet food a day so i know that's not the cause and i did my first water change on Thursday (5th March) and rinsed out the sponge in my filter in the water that i took out of my aquarium. I changed 2 litres of water that was all and added fresh clean water in straight away of which i used tap safe. They told me to come home and do a 50% water change immediately and to try and siphon any leftover food and poop off the top of the sand and not to add anymore fish until the water is under control. So came home, did all that and i have just recently tested the water again and it read on the test strips 0 Nitrate, 0 Nitrite and 0 ammo. Is this normal for ammo and nitrite to completely drop to zero only 4 hours after a 50% water change? And is she telling me correct info.. were my dangerous Nitrite levels caused by the over use of Stop Ammo vials???

Sorry so long winded! This is my tank.. 25L with ciano cf40 hang on the back filter, 2 fake plants (i removed the little ones in the middle at the back after i took this pic and kept the two big ones) with a Betta premium aquarium heater with gaurd set to 27 degrees, a decoration and four pebbles at the side and currently 6 Neon Tetra's present. (they werent in the tank as of yet when i took this pic)


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Wow, that was a long post! So my advise would be:

*Test water each day and change 50%-75% of the water if ammonia is above 0, nitrite is above 0 or nitrate is above 20. Use tap safe for new water.
* Record daily test results to avoid confusion
* Buy liquid tests for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate
* Don't use stop ammo
* Don't rinse filter sponge for 6 weeks
* Use a gravel vacuum each week, weekly water change should be 12+ litres, 2 litres is not enough
* Feed once every other day, a small amount, once cycled you can feed once on 6/7 days
* Don't have more than 6 fish, the tank is too small.

Repost if you have any questions or problems.
I know! I do apologise for the essay! Lol Thanks so much for all the advice it’s really appreciated and will follow it through! I will invest in a liquid test kit for sure tomorrow! Can’t believe they told me 2 litres is enough once a week and omg about the fish as if they told me I could have 12 Neons in there! Iv been told Neon Tetras are schooling fish and don’t like to be in small numbers so won’t they get stressed by there just being 6 of them?? thanks again
You're welcome. Six is the minimum for a shoal, if you go higher the tank will be overstocked. Ideally get a bigger tank (60cm+ long) and a bigger shoal but six will be ok for now.
Ahh right ok, I won’t be getting a bigger tank anytime soon will be keeping this one for in the living room as don’t have the room for any bigger really!! If the 6 I have will be ok then I will just stick to it for now and see how they go! I was thinking about getting shrimp also once the tank is cycled would this be ok to do!? Also if the Neons don’t make it (which I’m really hoping they do!) after my dangerous nitrite level stunt and with them only being 6, what tropical fish and how many would you recommend for this tank for future reference? I promise to stop firing questions now! Lol
What is the GH of your water? Look on your water companies website for it, if you struggle to find it post a link here and we can see if it's there.
Depending on your water parameters there may be a handful of suitable choices. Shrimp will be ok with the neons if the water isn't too soft, they have a low bioload.
Ahh right ok, I won’t be getting a bigger tank anytime soon will be keeping this one for in the living room as don’t have the room for any bigger really!! If the 6 I have will be ok then I will just stick to it for now and see how they go! I was thinking about getting shrimp also once the tank is cycled would this be ok to do!? Also if the Neons don’t make it (which I’m really hoping they do!) after my dangerous nitrite level stunt and with them only being 6, what tropical fish and how many would you recommend for this tank for future reference? I promise to stop firing questions now! Lol
A tank that small probably shouldnt have anything in it other than a betta. Maybe a few endlers or nano species.
Neons need long tanks as they are shoaling fish that swim back and forth.
Think of suitable tanks for fish by their relative body shape. Fish with longer slender bodies normally need long tanks as their bodies are built for swimming back and forth not up and down. Fish like neons danios ect...where as fish with fuller rounder bodies need taller tanks fish like angel fish or goldfish ect... Your tank though small would be considered a tall tank but most species that need tall tanks get far to big for your tank.
Like i said a 6 gallon tank is good for a betta some snails maybe some shrimp thats about it
A tank that small probably shouldnt have anything in it other than a betta. Maybe a few endlers or nano species.
Neons need long tanks as they are shoaling fish that swim back and forth.
Think of suitable tanks for fish by their relative body shape. Fish with longer slender bodies normally need long tanks as their bodies are built for swimming back and forth not up and down. Fish like neons danios ect...where as fish with fuller rounder bodies need taller tanks fish like angel fish or goldfish ect... Your tank though small would be considered a tall tank but most species that need tall tanks get far to big for your tank.
Like i said a 6 gallon tank is good for a betta some snails maybe some shrimp thats about it

Thanks for your reply it’s really frustrating when you have no clue what fish suit a certain tank and you get given the wrong advice from people who sell fish for a living!
What is the GH of your water? Look on your water companies website for it, if you struggle to find it post a link here and we can see if it's there.
Depending on your water parameters there may be a handful of suitable choices. Shrimp will be ok with the neons if the water isn't too soft, they have a low bioload.

Sorry noticed nothing was coming up in the link I replied to you with in this thread so il attach the screenshot iv got with the only section on there that mentioned hardiness!
The #1 rule in this hobby is "never believe what the employees at the LFS say, always research it before you buy it" 6 neon tetra is the minimum number. You have a very small tank like @utahfish said. Really only good for a Betta. I have neon tetra and they need more room to swim. I have them in a 55 gallon tank with other tetra.
Sorry noticed nothing was coming up in the link I replied to you with in this thread so il attach the screenshot iv got with the only section on there that mentioned hardiness!


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The #1 rule in this hobby is "never believe what the employees at the LFS say, always research it before you buy it" 6 neon tetra is the minimum number. You have a very small tank like @utahfish said. Really only good for a Betta. I have neon tetra and they need more room to swim

Oh no really!? Gutted for the fish really if they don’t make it the kids will be gutted and it’s just so deflating when you should be able to trust these people especially the ones who seem genuine!
It yeah its
Oh no really!? Gutted for the fish really if they don’t make it the kids will be gutted and it’s just so deflating when you should be able to trust these people especially the ones who seem genuine!
Yeah it is definitely frustrating when fish store employees give you extremely inaccurate information. Maybe consider a shrimp tank? Cherry shrimp would be good and they are really fun to watch. Just make sure you wait a few weeks because they need an established aquarium
It yeah its

Yeah it is definitely frustrating when fish store employees give you extremely inaccurate information. Maybe consider a shrimp tank? Cherry shrimp would be good and they are really fun to watch. Just make sure you wait a few weeks because they need an established aquarium

Thanks! I’m gonna do my best to take care of the Neons now I have them and just do my best and most definitely getting the cherry shrimps once the tank is cycled. Won’t be changing the size of the tank though in this living room as it’s a small living room campared to my other (as of which I intend to get a bigger tank in once iv learned a thing or two!) so my option for the future for this tank will defo be a Betta

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